UK-based Aero Inventory is to use the $275 million capital available following a recent share and rights issue to invest in stocks of consumables to boost its business prospects. Chief executive Rupert Lewin says “the majority of new business prospects are in the Asia-Pacific region”, where he adds the company is already strong. Aero Inventory is hoping to be selected by Airbus as a nominated service provider for consumables. The manufacturer has already carried out due diligence on Aero Inventory as part of the selection process. Even if the company is not selected by Airbus, the money raised in the share offering, which was held earlier this month, can be used to fund new business opportunities. “We have a very considerable amount of business in prospect that we cannot finance at the moment. We are confident that the money raised can be invested in new business over the next 18 months,” Lewin says.

Source: Flight International