Aerospace Ireland is presenting eight of its Irish aerospace companies to the Asia-Pacific market with its dating-service style.

Enterprise Ireland manager Patrick Yau says: “We’re here to connect people. We help companies get together by making the introductions and removing the cold-calling aspect. We help our companies to schedule meetings before they arrive at the show, but we also make sure that companies are paired together correctly by providing background information and recommendations.”

One of those companies taking full advantage to schedule meetings here is Aircraft Management Technologies (AMT). Its director Aidan Gallagher says: “We’re already working with Singapore Airlines with our EFB solutions, and feel there’s room to expand in Asia.

“EFBs are just the beginning: previously the entire airline system was interconnected bar the aircraft – it was always outside of that system. But, the technology for connecting the aircraft to the airline’s IT system is there now. For us it means we can expand systems that use the Flightman EFB as its starting base,” Gallagher says.

Currently the data link speeds are probably only as fast as an ISDN line, and keeping the aircraft connected is the priority. But the future will build on EFBs, he adds, and intelligent use of IT – both software and hardware – will drive the development of passenger relationship management.

“With the ability to connect to the aircraft to the airline’s IT system, in future the flight crew will have access to passenger information such as purchasing profiles. We develop software to help automate and streamline operations in the aviation industry – be it an EFB to create a paperless cockpit, or adapting that system to give the cabin crew a paperless environment,” says Gallagher. New-start US low-cost carrier Skybus Airlines uses AMT software, allowing it to be an entirely paperless airline from its first day of revenue service.

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Source: Flight Daily News