All air transport news – Page 2604

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    African risk leased in DC


    USAfrica's demise eight months after it started serving Johannesburg from Washington DC exemplifies the extreme risks in starting an international airline in the US. One lesson: American Airlines drives a hard aircraft leasing deal. USAfrica began service in June with two MD-11 aircraft on sublease from American, hoping ...

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    A question of CRS conduct


    CRS codes of conduct are under fire on both sides of the Atlantic. Canadian proposals for regulation have come under attack from European airlines, while the European Commission is set to appoint independent consultants to investigate charging practices within its established code. The Association of European Airlines claims ...

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    Airlines v agents: war is declared


    US travel agents angry about commission rate cuts should not be surprised. This is war - my wife and kid will suffer,' said one travel agent. 'D-elta E-vidently L-oathes T-ravel A-gents,' complained another. At last, US carriers are taking action to attack the one major cost item which has ...

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    USAir hit by cabin fever


    USAir has started a campaign that will result in a downsized fleet and employee roster. This is even with a $2.5 billion concessionary package that has been tentatively worked out with three of its four contract employee groups, an agreement that, sources say, if finalised could still leave the airline ...

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    Blanc plays waiting game


    Christian Blanc is playing cat and mouse with more than just aircraft manufacturers. Following the French presidential elections in May some outsiders expect forced redundancies to take place. While Air France sticks to the line that it must follow the plan agreed with the unions last year, financiers ...

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    Swiss moves on twin entry


    Swissair appears to want to have its cake and eat it, all at once: US open skies followed by access to the European aviation market, either directly or through a stake in Belgium flag carrier Sabena. But the contrast could not be greater. While the Swiss carrier is ...

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    Gamesa delivers EMB-145 wing


    GAMESA AERONAUTICA OF SPAIN HAS delivered the first wing set for the Embraer EMB-145 regional jet. The Vitoria based company, a risk-sharing partner in the EMB-145, is also responsible for the design and supply of the body to wing fairings and the nacelle, including the thrust reverser, which is being ...

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    Turbofan Delivery


    CFM International delivered its 7,000th CFM56 turbofan early in February. The General Electric/ Snecma joint venture has orders and options for a further 3,000 engines. Source: Flight International

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    Training company FlightSafety International, of Flushing, New York, has named Rudy Canto director of airline operations. He will be based at the Long Beach centre, in California. Canto was most recently chief pilot at McDonnell Douglas. Source: Flight International

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    Gordon England will retire on 1 May as president of Lockheed's Fort Worth, Texas, fighter-aircraft division. No reason for his retirement was announced, but it may be related to the planned $10 billion merger between Lockheed and Martin Marietta. England also served as a corporate vice-president. Dan Tellep, Lockheed's chairman, ...

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    UK DTI


    Roy McNulty has been appointed chairman of the Aviation Committee of the UK Department of Trade and Industry. McNulty is also president of Short Brothers of Northern Ireland, a past president of the Society of British Aerospace Companies and chairman of the UK Defence and Aerospace Technology Foresight panel. Appointed ...

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    ILFC may launch V2500 for A319


    International Lease Finance (ILFC) is expected to be the launch customer for the International Aero Engines (IAE) V2500-A5-powered Airbus Industrie A319 passenger aircraft. In early January, ILFC placed a $1.5 billion order for up to 40 Airbus aircraft, including eight 124-seat A319s, with options for a further three ...

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    Indonesia prepares to sell off IPTN stake


    Paul Lewis/SINGAPORE THE INDONESIAN Government hopes to sell up to 20% of state-owned aircraft manufacturer Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN) to foreign aerospace-investors after the year 2000. According to Dr Bacharuddin Habibie, company president and Indonesia's technology and research minister, 10-20% of IPTN will offered ...

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    Shadin plans to certificate and produce 1940s German trainer


    A TWO-SEAT light aircraft designed in Germany in 1942 and produced in Egypt since 1950 is to be certificated and produced in the USA for the training and recreation markets. Shadin Aircraft plans to build the Bucker Bestman Bu.181D (produced by Heliopolis Aircraft Factory as the M.1 Gomhouria) ...

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    Peregrine to press on with BD-10 despite accident


    Graham Warwick/ATLANTA PEREGRINE FLIGHT International (PFI) is proceeding with plans to certificate the Bede BD-10 jet-powered light aircraft after determining the cause of the crash on 30 December 1994, in which the company's founder was killed. Investigators have concluded that the in-flight break-up of the aircraft ...

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    All Nippon continues with cost-cutting measures


    ALL NIPPON AIRLINES (ANA) has announced further cuts in expenditure and staffing, alongside a drive to boost revenues by 10% through increased aircraft utilisation. The latest cost-cutting drive, which will run over the next three years, comes as part of the second phase of the airline's extensive ...

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    Vietnam looks for A320 substitute


    Paul Lewis/SINGAPORE VIETNAM AIRLINES IS negotiating for the supply of new Western-built 150-seat passenger aircraft to replace its Airbus Industrie A320s wet-leased from Air France. The carrier operates seven A320s, three of which are due to be returned to owner Air France by the end ...

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    Altair makes light work of HUMS


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES ALTAIR, a Massachusetts-based avionics company, has introduced the first health and usage monitoring system for light turbine and piston helicopters. The Altair HUMS, weighing less than 1kg, has already been fitted to Enstrom 480 and Bell 206 helicopters and is scheduled for ...

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    MDC will deliver first MD-90-30


    McDonnell Douglas (MDC) is to deliver the first MD-90-30 to launch customer Delta Airlines on 24 February, for service entry in early April. Steve Atkins, MDC twinjet-programmes general manager, says that the goal is to have "98.4% dispatch reliability" within the first six months of service. ...

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    Old-age problem


    Russia faces a cash crisis as it attempts to replace aging fleets and infrastructure. Alexander Velovich and Paul Duffy/MOSCOW ...