All air transport news – Page 2606

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    Aviall Caledonian


    Peter Muirhead (right) has become production director of Aviall Caledonian, the Prestwick, UK-based aero-engine overhaul and repair company. He was formerly with the PA Consulting Group. John Horsburgh (left) has been promoted to director and general manager for the CF6. He was previously general manager for the CF6. David Crews ...

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    Howmet agreement


    Howmet Refurbishment has agreed a deal with Pratt & Whitney, making the company's Advanced Refurbishment and Coatings unit in North Haven, Connecticut, the first independent source for the repair of International Aero Engines V2500 A5/D5 aerofoil components.     Source: Flight International

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    Joining the bandwagon


    Kieran Daly and Jenny Pite/LONDON There is perhaps little doubt that a degree of management fashion-following lies behind some of the trends observed in the running of the air transport industry. The sceptics who blame mere fashion for the widespread move to arm's-length operation of airline maintenance during the 1990s ...

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    Living dangerously


    Apathy has forced take-off performance monitoring to be shelved. David Learmount/LONDON   The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) says that there were more than 4,000 take-off related accidents and serious incidents involving airliners in the USA between 1983 and 1990, resulting in 1,378 fatalities. ...

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    Singapore negotiates with USA for additional F-16C/Ds


    Douglas Barrie/LONDON SINGAPORE IS negotiating to purchase a further six Lockheed Block 52 F-16C/Ds. The deal would increase its total order to 24 aircraft, which is sufficient to equip two full squadrons. A foreign-military-sales (FMS) contract for the additional aircraft is expected to be concluded in ...

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    McDonnell Douglas calls MD-11 axe the 'worst-case' option


    McDONNELL DOUGLAS is examining ways of keeping MD-11 production profitable through to the end of 1996 but says that one option - temporarily halting the line for much of 1996 - is considered "the worst-case scenario". "It's definitely a far-out option," says the company, which still hopes to ...

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    MDC and JAA in MD-90 confrontation


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES McDONNELL DOUGLAS (MDC) and the European Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) are at loggerheads over changes to the MD-90 stall-recognition and recovery system which the JAA wants before granting European certification. The MD-90, like the MD-80, has a stick-shaker to warn the crew of ...

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    Germany plans airborne A3XX simulation


    Andrzej Jeziorski/MUNICH THE GERMAN Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR) is developing an in-flight simulation of an A3XX-type large commercial transport under contract from Airbus Industrie. Airbus wants the establishment to develop a reference model of an aircraft, based on the expected dimensions, weight and inertia of the ...

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    SIA nears decision on Indian procurement


    Paul Lewis/SINGAPORE SINGAPORE AIRLINES (SIA) is expected to make a final aircraft and engine selection by the end of this month for its proposed start-up joint-venture airline in India with Tata Industries. Competing for the order for up to 16 150-seat passenger aircraft are Boeing, with ...

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    Airbus wins A330 ETOPS tickets


    THE AIRBUS A330 has been awarded three simultaneous type-approvals by the European Joint Aviation Authorities for extended-range twin-engine operations (ETOPS). The General Electric CF6-80E1-powered version, which has had a year's service with Air Inter of France and Aer Lingus of Ireland, has won 180min approval. Aer Lingus aircraft ...

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    R-R details Trent 890 flight-test schedule


    Kieran Daly/DERBY ROLLS-ROYCE WILL begin flight testing of the Trent 890 for the Boeing 777 on the airframer's 747 testbed in late March. The company had hoped to avoid the 747 test phase, but Boeing insisted, following unexpected events with the rival Pratt & Whitney and ...

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    MD-95 clash forces Halla out of Korean consortium


    HALLA AEROSPACE HAS been dropped from South Korea's regional-aircraft consortium, following a Government stipulation that a manufacturer cannot participate in the programme and be a risk-sharing partner in competing foreign developments. The condition was included in the consortium's charter, recently signed by 11 local aerospace companies, including Samsung, ...

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    Valujet thrives as other US start-ups hit trouble


    TWO FLEDGLING US carriers - USAfrica Airways and Leisure Air - have suspended operations and a third airline - Kiwi International Air Lines - has drastically revamped its top management. Atlanta-based Valujet, however, reports strong profits for 1994 and is expanding services aggressively, at the expense of USAir. ...

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    Hispano/ZF combine on FLA transmission


    SNECMA SUBSIDIARY Hispano-Suiza and ZF of Germany have formed a joint venture to supply high-power aerospace transmissions. The two will co-operate on a transmission for the Future Large Aircraft (FLA). The new group will be called Aerospace Power Transmissions. An initial accord has been signed with BMW Rolls-Royce, ...

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    Low-priced NSA 'will not be in service until 2002', says Boeing


    Allan Winn/SEATTLE BOEING DOES NOT expect its proposed New Small Airplane (NSA) to enter service before 2002. The project will be beaten to the market by McDonnell Douglas with its MD-95, it says, but it insists that the market is sufficient for up to three contenders. ...

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    Bombardier and Embraer confirm regional sales


    BOMBARDIER REGIONAL Aircraft has won a firm order for five Canadair Regional Jets (CRJs) from Delta Connection carrier Comair and is holding out the prospect of the airline taking a total of 70 aircraft. Cincinnati-based Comair confirmed five options, worth about $87 million, to add to its 20 ...

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    FAA approves Boeing 777 pressure solution


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES A CEILING LIMIT of 25,000ft (7,500m) temporarily placed on the Boeing 777 by the US Federal Aviation Administration after two incidents of cabin decompression has been lifted after the installation of a modified check valve. The FAA imposed the limit after the incidents ...

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    Saab is latest to sponsor Awards


    SAAB AIRCRAFT HAS joined the growing list of leading aviation companies now backing the Flight International Aerospace Industry Awards '95. The Swedish airliner manufacturer becomes the tenth sponsor to lend support to this year's Awards, which will be presented during a gala dinner at the Paris air show ...

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    Boeing/Lockheed consider JAST link


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES BOEING AND LOCKHEED are discussing teaming on the US Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) programme, despite developing radically different solutions to the short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) requirement which makes up part of the effort. Boeing is studying a direct-lift design, while ...

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    GE eyes growth from CRJ-X engine


    GENERAL ELECTRIC'S newly unveiled CF34-8C turbofan for Canadair's proposed CRJ-X regional airliner may form the basis of an entirely new family of engines in the 60-80kN (13,000-18,000lb)-thrust class, says the company. The GE general manager for small commercial turbofans, Lloyd Thompson, has revealed the first details of the ...