All air transport news – Page 2612

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    Universal Approval


    Universal Navigation has received US Federal Aviation Administration approval for its UNS-1M navigation-management system fitted with a 12-channel global-positioning-system receiver. The system has been certificated on the Embraer EMB-120.   Source: Flight International

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    Fedex Increases Capacity


    FedEx is to replace two of three McDonnell Douglas DC-10Fs used on daily transatlantic services with higher-capacity MD-11 freighters, one based at London Stansted and one at Paris Charles de Gaulle, and is considering adding a fourth aircraft on the North Atlantic early in 1996.   Source: ...

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    Support for the customer


    The creation by Airbus of a new finance corporation has focused more attention on the arcane world of manufacturer support. David Knibb reports.The decision by Airbus Industrie to form a separate finance corporation raises questions about the attraction and use of such units. Ten billion dollars worth of customer support ...

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    94 at a glance


    What will 1994 be remembered for? Many carriers saw a return to profit. Some received major state aid approvals. It was the year when competition from an ever-growing Southwest, plus low-cost entrants led by ValuJet, finally shook the US majors into action. The employees took control of United, and the ...

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    Pricing it right


    As O&D yield management techniques take systems to unprecedented levels of capability, the real challenge for airlines will be their proper integration and use. Jackie Gallacher reports. Like many technologies, yield management has taken time to evolve from the early systems of the 1980s to reach its current level ...

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    Longhaul freedom


    Christopher Chataway, chairman of the UK Civil Aviation Authority, examines the obstacles to competition on longhaul routes and suggests how to overcome them. Drawing from a recent CAA report, he highlights bilaterals, EU bloc negotiations, problems faced by smaller airlines, corporate discounts, fare levels, and airline collusion. Longhaul aviation ...

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    Asia's revival


    Most Asian carriers should return to healthy profits, if they can contain costs. After four years of belt tightening, Asia-Pacific airlines are looking to the new year as a period of real revival, although managements believe trading conditions will remain tough. They also concede stringent measures will have to be ...

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    Bid for freedom


    Increased private ownership could help Pakistan International Airlines deal with the challenges imposed by new home-grown competition and loosen restrictions imposed by the country's social objectives. Mark Blacklock reports.Pakistan has been plagued in the past by political patronage, with even middle managers in the public sector fearing for their jobs ...

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    Higher interest


    As the economic recovery moves into full swing this year, business can look forward to steady growth with little risk of inflation. But interest rates will increase and the US dollar may appreciate somewhat. David Walton explains. A year ago the global economic recovery was hesitant and patchy. Today, the ...

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    Making the right moves


    Understanding how to adapt their strategies to a rapidly changing 'newgame' environment may be one of the most important lessons for airline managers in the 1990s. Dr John Steffens proposes a suitable framework. It should be a basic premise in any industry that new games require new rules. And the ...

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    China feels the pinch


    Just when China's airlines are facing a struggle, Bank of China is pressuring them to find at least some unguaranteed finance for 1995 aircraft deliveries. As a result CAAC affiliates, including flag carrier Air China, are testing the market by notifying Hong Kong financiers of their desire to ...

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    The year ahead


    After the five toughest years this business has ever known, surely 1995 will be the year of recovery. Well, maybe. Certainly this year promises more than any since 1989, but only selected carriers will benefit. The major economies can expect the winning combination of steady growth, stable oil prices and ...

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    Sabre points way ahead


    We at Sabre Decision Technologies (SDT) certainly appreciate the point that the Making the Sale article (Airline Business, October 1994) makes: that anyone not already in the business of selling services to the aviation market will 'find it very hard - perhaps impossible - to break in' and compete against ...

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    Share and share alike?


    South Korean and Chinese airlines finally launched the first-ever scheduled flights between their respective capitals in December following agreement on a commercial pact to pool revenues. The insistence by Air China and China Eastern on such a pact had surprised Korean Air Lines and Asiana, which were ready ...

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    Washington eyes safety standards


    As US airlines assess the damage inflicted by the high-profile debate on safety, concerns are growing that the subject could provoke a political battle of wills, with aviation caught in the middle again. By Mead Jennings. Most US citizens are familiar with the statistics: more than 40,000 people die ...

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    MAS makes more moves


    Malaysia Helicopter Services is continuing its rapid expansion of global aviation interest, but the launch of its latest joint venture may sour relations between Cambodia and Thailand. MHS has taken a 40 per cent stake in Royal Air Cambodge, stepping into the breach left by Singapore Airlines, which ...

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    PAL faces home threat


    Faltering deregulation in the Philippines will receive a boost this month with the startup of the first serious domestic competition for the country's flag carrier. Grand International Airways (GrandAir), set up by a group of former senior Philippine Airlines officials, will operate two Airbus A300s on a four ...

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    Virgin bucks Oz trend


    Virgin Atlantic appears intent on bucking the trend on the highly competitive Kangaroo route. As the UK carrier threatens legal action to gain access, the incumbents are reassessing their independent approach on the route. Virgin's threat follows hard on the heels of a cooperation deal with Malaysia Airlines, ...

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    Beijing beckons


    Paul Lewis/BEIJING In the 16 years since China opened its doors to reform, the country has emerged as a major trading partner of the West and is on course to become an economic superpower in the next century. Underlining its emerging importance are the many corporations beating a ...

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    Turboprop market ripe for mergers


    Kevin O'Toole/LONDON THE TURBOPROP market showed few clear signs of recovery in 1994, lending weight to moves for industry consolidation in the run-up to the alliance between ATR and Jetstream; exclusively reported in Flight International, 18-24 January issue. Overall delivery numbers appear to be largely unchanged ...