All air transport news – Page 2618

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    Gordon Bethune has been named to the new position of president and chief executive officer at Continental Airlines. Floris van Pallandt will take over as managing director KLM Cityhopper on 1 January. Hans de Bruijn has been appointed manager general affairs and deputy to van Pallandt. ...

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    Trans States Airlines has ordered 25 Jetstream 41s, with options on a further 35, for a total cost of $420 million. The St Louis-based carrier will take its first J41 in January 1995. Regional Airlines has ordered three Saab 2000, with delivery beginning May 1995. The French regional ...

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    The MD-90 has received US certification from the Federal Aviation Administration. Rolls-Royce has agreed to buy Allison Engine Company for $525 million. Boeing will hold current prices on spares until mid-1996. Airbus Industrie has frozen the price of spare parts at 1994 prices for 1995 orders. ...

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    US sweats over Saudia


    Delays over Saudi Arabia Airlines' expected huge orders for Boeing and McDonnell Douglas aircraft are linked to the Saudis' need to spread the cost of heavy national capital expenditure projects in the power, telecommunications and transport industries. At presstime, the Saudis were not expected to place firm aircraft ...

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    Canada: it's in the timing


    The two Canadian majors are prepared to support the concept of US-Canada open skies, but are split on the phase-in period and remain doubtful whether their US alliances will help put them on an equal competitive footing with the larger US carriers. US and Canadian negotiators appear set ...

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    Paperless journey


    The increase in self ticketing and ticketless air travel will cut the costs of distribution and bring a much needed reduction in airline operating costs. By Jane L Levere. A distribution revolution that began quietly in the United States late last summer could ultimately yield wide-ranging cost savings for ...

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    New order plans change


    US transportation officials see 1995 as highly significant for aviation. The air traffic control system may be privatised after all, and taxes, airport funding, and reform of the Federal Aviation Admin istration are all issues likely to be in play, with the new Republican majority in Congress trying to dictate ...

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    Tough times for US Lites


    Growth problems are hitting the short-haul, low-cost sector of the US airline industry. Earnings are down at Southwest Airlines, and Continental Airlines is restructuring its Lite operation, as well as streamlining its widebody fleet, inclu ding the retirement of its A300s. Southwest shocked the markets in early December ...

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    China signs off on MDC


    President Clinton's attempt to capitalise on China's decision to shift part of the production of its Trunkliner aircraft order from Shanghai to California ignores fundamental changes in China's position that do not bode well for McDonnell Douglas. Three days before US Congressional elections, Clinton said that the revised ...

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    Room to boom


    Airports Asia-Pacific governments have clearly signalled their intention to take coordinated action to solve the region's serious infrastructure problems. John Meredith of ATAG reports. It's a known fact: demand for air transport is growing faster in Asia-Pacific than in any other world region. And until recently it was assumed by ...

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    If you can't beat 'em ...


    AMR Corp American has abandoned its longstanding opposition to codesharing alliances and is joining the movement by seeking to attract the large partners it needs to extend its global network. Mead Jennings reports.To hear AMR Corp executives talk, you would think the industry was following American Airlines' lead in pursuing ...

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    Airline news


    KLM and US partner Northwest will start a joint venture service between Amsterdam and Memphis from the end of June 1995. The four times weekly service to Northwest's third major US hub will be operated by a KLM MD-11 and is the US city's first intercontinental link. United ...

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    New balance of power in Europe


    The reshaped European Union due to come into being on 1 January 1995 will be very different from its predecessor. Even without Norway and Switzerland, the addition of Sweden, Finland, Austria and Liechtenstein will change the balance of economic, fiscal and political power in the Union. From now on, ...

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    A fly in the ointment?


    The Spanish government appears to be pursuing brinkmanship tactics with the unions in an attempt to settle the chaos surrounding troubled flag carrier Iberia. As pilots walked away from the negotiating table at presstime, industry minister Juan Manuel Eguiagaray threatened to go ahead with 5,200 layoffs and plans ...

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    Plugging the Zambian gap


    Though its employees may disagree, the demise of Zambia Airways has provided an ideal opportunity to test the latest move towards a more liberalised regime in African aviation. But Lusaka is not alone in facing a major challenge: Ghana Airways is experiencing problems at every turn as it aims for ...

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    Airline Business 100 - 1994


    Rank Airline Revenue US$M OpResult US$M NetResult US$M net margin % fleet Total emps Revenue Tonne kilometres (mil) Revenue Pax km Pax millions Load Factor % Year End 93 92 Pax ...

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    Airline Business 100 - 1993


    Rank Airline Revenue US$M OpResult US$M NetResult US$M net margin % fleet Total emps Revenue Tonne kilometres (mil) Revenue Pax km Pax millions Load Factor % Year End 92 91 Pax ...