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  • Lockheed Martin F-35 JSF

    Latest deal for 31 F-35s shows slight price decline


    Lockheed Martin has finalised a nearly $3.5 billion low-rate initial production contract for 31 more F-35s ...

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    US Air Force confirms F-22 pilot died in crash


    The US Air Force has confirmed that the pilot of a Lockheed Martin F-22 which crashed on 16 November died in the accident ...

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    BA names Go-Ahead executive as chief financial officer


    British Airways has named transport firm Go-Ahead Group's finance director, Nick Swift, as its new chief financial officer. Swift will replace Keith...

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    AB25: ACE Aviation chairman, Robert Milton


    Look back 25 years? I'm not old enough oh wait, I am. Let's see, I'll go back to when I knew this was the industry for me, my first sighting of a 747. I was nine. Whoops, that was 1969, way too long ago. Twenty-five years? Write ACE avaition holdings ...

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    AB25: AirAsia Group chief executive Tony Fernandes


    GROUP chief executiveairasia On 13 October, less than nine years after a dream called Air-Asia became reality, the 100 millionth "guest" was flown...

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    RAK Airways to open Bangladeshi routes


    Resurrected Middle Eastern carrier RAK Airways is extending its fledgling route network to Bangladesh. It is to operate three times per week to the...

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    AB25:Use of standards in maintenance data: blessing or nuisance?


    Is the use of standards in maintenance data a blessing or a nuisance ask Christian Eickhoff, quality management, and Dierk Kruetzmann, engineering, Lufthansa Technik

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    AB25: Copa chief executive Pedro Heilbron


    Twenty-five years ago, few would have imagined that today Latin America would be among the leading regions in the world in terms of economic growth and development. Even fewer would have dreamed of Latin America's airlines being in the top echelon of this competitive aviation industry writes Pedro Heilbron

  • Discovery approaches the ISS

    Space Shuttle special report: One big step


    Even before the Apollo space programme of the 1960s put a man on the Moon, a fledgling NASA was conceptualising a reusable spacecraft for manned flight. Work on the Space Shuttle began in earnest in the 1970s, with the first of four test flights in 1981, followed by operational missions ...

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    AB25: LAN, chief executive, Enrique Cueto


    The Latin American airline industry has undergone dramatic change over the past 25 years. Two decades ago, the region was dominated by state-owned, unprofitable airlines. Carriers operated old fleets, provided mediocre service, and had low levels of reliability writes LAN Airlines CEO Enrque Cueto

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    AB25: Emirates president Tim Clark


    Emirates shares a 25th birthday with Airline Business, having also launched in 1985. Over the past quarter of a century, our industry has taken great strides forward. It is essential that we maintain this momentum in the next 25 years to ensure the continued success of the airline sector and ...

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    AB25: TAM chief executive, Marco Antonio Bologna


    First of all, I would like to congratulate Airline Business for its 25 years of existence - a remarkable achievement. During this quarter-century, we have seen a huge transformation of the airline industry writes Marco Antonio Bologna, executive president of TAM

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    AB25: Ethiopian Airlines chief executive Girma Wake


    Despite the fact that a great number of African States succeeded to become independent and to create their own national airlines in the early 1960s, African airlines have faced numerous challenges in formulating and maintaining a safe, efficient air traffic system, mainly due to the inability of African governments to ...

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    AB25: Singapore Airlines chief executive, CS Chew


    The silver anniversary of Airline Business is an appropriate occasion for some thoughts on how the airline industry has evolved in the past 25 years writes Singapore Airlines chief executive Chew Choon Seng

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    AB25: Gulf Air chief executive Samer Majali


    Imagine a world in which airlines operate in a free market, able to realise their full potential through economies of scale, not hampered by barriers that increase costs and curb development, not constrained by archaic bilateral agreements, not overcharged by monopoly suppliers. That is the dream of Gulf Air chief ...

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    AB25: Akbar Al Baker, Qatar Airways


    Airlines worldwide continue to compete on the three fundamentals of cost, network, and product. However, in all of these areas, both the way airlines compete and the marketplace in which they compete has changed dramatically writes Qatar Airways chief executive Akbar Al Baker.

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    AB25: Cathay Pacific chief executive Tony Tyler


    When the first issue of Airline Business came off the presses, I was in the eighth year of my aviation career and had just moved to Rome as Cathay Pacific's manager for Italy and France - though at that time we didn't actually fly to either country writes Cathay Pacific ...

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    AB25: Geoff Dixon, former Qantas chief executive


    Most governments still take aviation for granted writes former Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon

  • Thai Airways tn

    Thai confirms ThaiTiger ownership structure


    Thai Airways has tweaked the ownership structure of its low-cost joint venture with Tiger Airways by confirming its stake, and giving employees a share in...

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    NASA revives X-plane hopes with environmental goals


    Can NASA meet a challenging list of environmental goals? The agency's aeronautics branch could achieve its aims with full-scale testbeds - if it can obtain funding ...