All news – Page 6436

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    Ottawa ponders Canadian Airlines rescue options


    Canada's federal government has been forced to intervene to avert a looming crisis at Canadian Airlines. Ottawa stepped in because of a growing threat that Canadian might not survive this coming winter. The beleaguered carrier has reported an annual profit in only one of the past 10 years, ...

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    American opens door for Latin alliance


    David Knibb SEATTLE A common alliance with a US partner has spawned a ground-breaking venture between two Latin American airlines. LanChile and Aerolineas Argentina have launched an air cargo joint venture, citing their common connections with American Airlines as a catalyst for the deal. "The relationship with American Airlines ...

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    United offers more business legroom


    Jane Levere NEW YORK Battling, like every other carrier, for the higher-yield market, United Airlines is installing improved seating at the back of the cabin in its domestic fleet in order to reward its most frequent or full-fare economy passengers. The carrier is reconfiguring the first six to 11 rows ...

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    Venezuela retaliates against US "safety" freeze


    David Knibb SEATTLE Caracas is sitting on applications from American Airlines' subsidiaries to operate into Venezuela because of Washington's Category 2 freeze on Venezuelan airline flights to the USA. The government of Hugo Chavez is showing its nationalistic face by refusing to grant extra-bilateral US rights while Washington continues ...

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    Brazilians refute merger speculation


    Brian Homewood RIO DE JANEIRO Brazil's four major airlines have described reports that they are considering merging into two as "mere speculation". But the Brazilian airline industry remains awash with rumours that Varig, Vasp, Transbrasil and Tam could join forces. Varig says that company president Fernando Pinto, who went on ...

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    AA/BA antitrust crumbles


    Karen walker WASHINGTON DC If American Airlines and British Airways gambled that their application for an antitrust immunised alliance would not be refused in the wake of other high-profile immunities, then it has proved a bad bet. Two-and-a-half years later, those alliance hopes have been dashed by the US ...

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    US carriers sign DoD MoU


    The US Department of Defense (DoD) has moved to ensure that foreign airlines that codeshare with US carriers have equal standards of safety. Six major US carriers signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the DoD on 6 August agreeing that their codeshare partners will undergo an initial safety ...

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    AeroPeru's hopes crash


    AeroPeru entered bankruptcy in August, putting an end to remote hopes of a rescue deal for Peru's flag carrier. The decision by creditors to reject any last-minute bids for AeroPeru did not surprise observers, who believed that an earlier failed attempt by Continental Airlines to invest in the Peruvian ...

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    Management teams


    Carriers in need of change are looking to new boardroom teams for results. Analysis is by Michael Bell, who leads the Global Aviation Practice for senior-executive search firm Spencer Stuart The past few months have brought into focus a new form of leadership at troubled carriers around the world: management ...

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    Punctuality hits new lows


    When the Association of European Airlines (AEA) issued its punctuality report for the first quarter of the year, it warned that delays in 1999 were shaping up to be worse even than the infamous summer of 1989 when European delays last hit a peak. The prediction was on target. ...

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    Reading the signs


    Major carriers appear to be signalling their intent to rein back on excess capacity. Chris Tarry at Commerzbank looks at the signs and the possible influence of alliances in the equation. It does not take a degree in rocket science to realise just how testing this year has already been ...

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    Passenger seat restraint


    Kevin O'Toole Continuing fall-out from Asia's economic crisis reverberated around markets last year as is clear from the latest passenger airline rankings. But it is concerns over falling yields rather than traffic that are now taking centre stage. Last year posed something of a test of resolve for airline ...

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    Commercial Aircraft Directory: Part 2


    Boeing and Airbus keep the new airliner developments flowing as the Russian industry struggles due to lack of funding Max Kingsley-Jones/LONDON While Airbus Industrie has busied itself with the detailed definition of its new A3XX and launched production of the A340-500/600, Boeing has been quietly introducing major derivatives. ...

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    NASA sensor technology project shifts focus


    NASA's Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology (ERAST) programme is refocusing on "selling" the capabilities of a group of innovative, remotely piloted aircraft entering, or concluding, critical new tests. The ERAST effort is aimed at developing technologies for a new series of remotely operated, autonomous aircraft that will be ...

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    Singapore outsources pilot screening to Australia


    The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) is to relocate pilot screening to Australia under a three-year A$5 million ($3.2 million) contract with British Aerospace Flight Training Australia (BAe FTA). The contract, signed in August, includes a seven-year option. It will see up to 240 pilot candidates screened each ...

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    Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has been appointed prime contractor for the manufacturing programme linked to the supply of up to 145 attack helicopters to the Turkish armed forces. TAI has asked the five shortlisted helicopter manufacturers - Agusta, Bell Helicopter Textron, Boeing, Eurocopter and Kamov/Israeli Aircraft Industries - for best ...

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    Agat and Phazotron work on new and upgraded radars


    Alexander Velovich/MOSCOWThe Agat Moscow Research Institute is developing an upgrade of its active seeker for medium range air-to-air missiles. At the same time Russian radar house Phazotron is preparing to test new long range phased array radars. Agat's 9B-1103M active radar seeker will have a 25km (13.5nm) acquisition range against ...

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    Popeye fails in Kosovo, but wins S Korean order


    South Korea has completed plans to procure 100 AGM-142 stand-off missiles, even as news is emerging of the air-launched stand-off missile's failure to hit targets in their debut during the Kosovo air campaign. US Air Force Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bombers forward based in the UK employed the AGM-142 during ...

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    Iranian Bombcats


    Iran's Isfahan aerospace facility has modified Northrop Grumman F-14 Tomcats for the air-to-ground role, according to the official Islamic Republic News Agency. The air superiority fighter's additional capability was tested during a major exercise in the north west of the country, in which 100 aircraft of various types flew 300 ...

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    Algeria seeks maritime patrol aircraft


    Stewart Penney/LONDON Algeria has an emerging requirement for up to 12 maritime surveillance aircraft. Political considerations mean the North African country could request bids only from European countries. The requirement could be met by a medium twin-turboprop, with ATR, British Aerospace and Casa among the likely bidders. Algeria - ...