All news – Page 6641

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    ATR targets January launch for regional twinjet


    An ATR Jet study team has submitted its final proposals to Aerospatiale and Aeritalia, parent companies in the ATR consortium, which could pave the way for the launch of its planned regional twinjet in January 1999. ATR marketing president Antoine Bouissou, speaking at the Speednews regional and corporate aviation ...

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    More Air Do routes


    Japan's transport ministry has licensed Hokkaido International Airlines, known as Air Do, to fly between Tokyo and Sapporo. The new carrier will fly three round trip services daily from 20 December, with fares to be set at 36% lower than existing ticket prices. Air Do is the second new Japanese ...

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    -Transavia will begin year-round, scheduled services from Amsterdam Schiphol to Seville and to Rhodes in its 1999 summer season. -LTU resumes weekly non-stop flights between Munich and Cape Town on 6 November with a Boeing 767-300ER. The airline temporarily suspended flights to Cape Town six months ago, quoting less demand ...

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    SIA wants slice of China Airlines


    Brent Hannon/TAIPEI Singapore Airlines (SIA) wants to buy an equity stake of up to 30% in China Airlines (CAL), but the Taiwanese flag carrier will insist upon taking an equal share of SIA in return, according to CAL vice-president-commercial Sandy Liu. SIA has indicated a willingness to consider the 30% ...

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    Russian engine makers call for shake-up


    Lyubov Pronina/MOSCOW Russian aero-engine manufacturers have called for wholesale restructuring of the industry to produce a single domestic engine manufacturer, as well as for sweeping new legislation to save the nation's industry from extinction in the next century, including a law on leasing. The appeal came during a debate on ...

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    BAe insures itself against lease portfolio losses


    British Aerospace has finalised a novel plan to protect itself financially from any dramatic swings in the regional aircraft market, with the setting up of its "financial risk insurance programme" . BAe has a portfolio of some 600 aircraft, including BAe 146 regional jets and turboprops such as Jetstreams ...

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    American and BA in accord on Iberia stake


    American Airlines and British Airways, leaders of the oneworld alliance, have reached a tentative agreement with Iberia's state holding company to acquire jointly a 10% stake in the Spanish flag carrier as it is transferred into private ownership. The agreement, which signals the next likely move to bolster the new ...

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    Boeing bullish on cargo expansion


    Max Kingsley-Jones/LONDON Boeing continues to predict a near-doubling of the world's jet freighter fleet by 2017 despite a short term slowdown in growth in the Asian market because of the spread of the current economic crises. The company's biennial world air cargo forecast says 75% of the growth ...

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    GKN Westland buys Dow-UT for $60m


    GKN Westland Aerospace of the UK is buying Dow-United Technologies Composite Products in a cash deal worth $60.5 million. The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The US company, based in Wallingford, Connecticut, was formed by Dow Chemical and United Technologies in 1989 ...

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    Litton sale


    Litton Industries has agreed to sell its Applied Technology unit located in San Jose, California, to Condor Systems, also of San Jose, for $120 million. The sale is subject to US government review. Applied Technology, with 600 workers, manufactures threat warning systems for the military. Revenues for the fiscal year ...

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    Flight International studies the development...


    Flight International studies the development of new airport projects and upgrades taking place in China. Source: Flight International

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    Brazil chooses Elbit for F-5 upgrade


    Embraer has selected Israel's Elbit Systems to upgrade the avionics in Brazilian air force Northrop F-5s, under a contract estimated to be worth $180 million. Elbit is believed to have lowered its bid from $230 million. Elbit is already contracted to develop the avionics for the air force's ALX ...

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    The second DarkStar high-altitude endurance unmanned air vehicle completed its fourth flight on 27 October. The next flight is set for late November. Source: Flight International

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    Australia issues F-111 maintenance tender


    The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) will call for four separate tenders for the depot maintenance of its F-111s as part of a "market testing" process to evaluate private contracting against in-house solutions. The process will use "-innovative contracting initiatives, including performance-based contracting, strategic alliances and life- of-type contracts, ...

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    Doubts grow over Huzar anti-tank missile


    Andrzej Jeziorski/MUNICH Longstanding doubts over the Polish procurement of the Rafael NT-D anti-tank missile for the PZL-Swidnik Huzar battlefield helicopter look set to be realised, as prospects fade of an Israeli consortium meeting Polish test requirements. Rafael told Polish defence officials at a meeting in Warsaw in the ...

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    All-electric F-16 ground testing goes ahead


    An "all-electric" version of the Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter is undergoing ground testing to demonstrate the electric actuation system intended for the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). Electric actuation promises to reduce the JSF's weight and cost and improve maintainability. Ground testing began when external 270V DC electrical power was ...

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    Denel joins Matra BAe to arm Rooivalk with Mistral


    Howard Gethin/LONDONSouth Africa's Denel Aviation has joined with Anglo-French weapons group Matra BAe Dynamics to integrate the Mistral air-to-air missile into the weapons suite at the South African armed forces' Rooivalk attack helicopter. The 18-month programme, which began in September, will include initial compatibility flight trials, integration with the Rooivalk's ...

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    Missile contract


    Raytheon has been awarded an initial $45 million from the US Army to undertake an Atmospheric Interceptor Technology Test Bed programme, supporting endoatmospheric missile defence projects, including the Medium Extended Air Defense System and the Lockheed Martin Theater High Altitude Air Defense weapons. The US company expects to earn as ...

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    US Army gets the go-ahead for new UAV contest


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC The US Department of Defense's Joint Requirements Oversight Council has decided to allow the US Army to proceed with the Tactical Unmanned Air Vehicle (TUAV) programme, prompting the Army to run a competition that may yet include the previously favoured contender, the Alliant Techsystems Outrider UAV. Lt ...

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    US Air Force looks at UK refuelling alternative


    Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC The US Air Force may retrofit a wing-mounted hose-and-drogue aerial refuelling system, made by UK-based Flight Refuelling, on its 24 Lockheed Martin MC-130H Combat Talon II special operations aircraft. The US Department of Defense (DoD) says US special operations aviation forces do not have enough ...