All Systems & Interiors news – Page 848

  • News

    ANZ, Ansett and SIA create a new force in Asia-Pacific


    Air New Zealand (ANZ), Ansett and Singapore Airlines (SIA) have agreed to form what could be the largest international airline alliance in the Asia-PaciÌc region. The move comes as ANZmoves closer to the Lufthansa/ United Airlines-led Star alliance, raising prospects of links to a wider global partnership. Unveiling the agreement ...

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    Denmark develops touchscreen technique


    A fully reconfigurable part-task trainer is being developed by Denmark's Riso National Laboratory and Danish company Avitraco. The multi-aircraft training environment (MATE) looks like an ordinary simulator, but the aircraft instruments and controls are all reproduced on flat "virtual-panel" touch-screen displays, giving a representative environment. The innovation, which ...

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    Boeing/MDC: monopoly game?...


    Sir - The Comment "Hands off" (Flight International, 21-27 May) serves only the narrow, although legitimate, commercial interests of Boeing/McDonnell Douglas (MDC). For that reason, your position is inappropriate to the extreme and reflects a severe lack of strategic foresight by the author. The commercial-aircraft manufacturing business, unlike ...

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    Starring role


    Ansett is being propelled on to the international stage, with its strategic partnership with ANZ and SIA Paul Lewis/SINGAPORE When Rod Eddington was approached to head Ansett, the former Cathay Pacific Airways managing director made a tie-up with Air New Zealand (ANZ) a prerequisite condition. After just ...

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    The Taiwan connection


    Since 1990, Aero Vodochody has been focusing its civil-aviation efforts on trying to push ahead with a single-turboprop utility-transport project known as the Aero Ae 270, now given the name Ibis. The programme has been through various revisions, and a full-size fuselage mock-up has often been seen at ...

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    Work programme for a major overhaul


    BECAUSE OF limited hangarage, most aviaremonts (overhaul centres) firstly strip down an aircraft outdoors before bringing it into a hangar. This involves: removing wings, engines and tailplane; check for damage/wear. A detailed inspection is undertaken and the work needed is listed and discussed with the operator: ...

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    NATCO and BSC to move Cathay simulators


    CATHAYPACIFIC Airways has selected Northwest Aerospace Training (NATCO) to move its simulators to Hong Kong's new Chek Lap Kok Airport. NATCO, a Northwest Airlines subsidiary, has teamed with Binghamton Simulator (BSC) to carry out the project. Planning began in June, and the simulators will be moved early in 1999. ...

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    Pathfinder is poised for historic landing


    NASA's ambitious plans for a series of Mars Surveyor landers and orbiters, leading to a sample return mission in 2005, depend upon a successful touchdown of the Mars Pathfinder at Ares Vallis on 4 July. The landing site is at the outflow at the bottom of a valley ...

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    Senate grills the two Bobs


    As theatre goes, it was in a class of its own. And as the curtain went down on a US Senate hearing into the US-UK open skies talks in early June, the prospect of progress seemed as remote as ever. The general consensus was that Robert Crandall and ...

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    Airlines unite over Africa


    Rising concerns over air safety in most of Africa have spurred several major European carriers to support a South Africa Airways' initiative that could see some countries boycotted if they do nothing to improve the parlous state of their air traffic control systems. In May SAA put forward ...

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    BA places a no strike bet


    British Airways' plan to reap £1 billion a year in efficiency savings by March 2000 could suffer a severe blow if two separate ballots of cabin crew and ground staff, the latter over the airline's plan to sell its catering operations, result in support for strike action. Both ...

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    We win together


    Profits and a healthy cash balance once seemed impossible goals for Continental Airlines. Having achieved them, chairman and chief executive officer Gordon Bethune has turned his attention to the fight for global market share. Interview by Richard Whitaker Working together worked! So says the banner headline on the front cover ...

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    Friendly skies? Let's get honest


    Blame it on the lettuce leaf liner. Just a few years ago, when airline CEOs across the US were nervously eyeing their costs per available seat mile, the challenge was to trim costs without upsetting the passenger. An easy throwaway was the limp piece of lettuce that lined the trays ...

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    Florida cocktail


    The battle for control of the fast-growing market from the US to Latin America is being fought in Miami, but American Airlines' dominance means some US majors are shifting their sights elsewhere. Karen Walker reports. A tornado touched down in the heart of Miami earlier this year. Had the Wizard ...

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    Network agility


    Will the gap widen between the most sophisticated European players in network management and those that have not yet grasped the concept fully? By Luis Rivera, Lucio Pompeo and Alberto Martin. Five years ago, network management was still quite an abstract concept for most European airlines. Though many had heard ...

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    Shuttle is in Wolf's court


    Few expect US Airways to give up its Shuttle, but a move by American Airlines to purchase the prestigious east coast operation, as well as possible interest from United Airlines, has introduced another twist in the carrier's continuing battle with unions. US Airways operates, but does not own ...

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    Two to tango


    The Taca Group was once held up as a model for Latin American airline cooperation, but now stands accused of selling out through its planned alliance with American Airlines. But does Taca chairman Federico Bloch have any choice? Doug Cameron reports. Please don't tell officials at the US Department ...

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    New Labour sets trend in Europe


    The conservative free-market revolution, which reached its high point during the Reagan-Thatcher era and lingered on into the mid-1990s, shows increasing signs of being politically vanquished as the industrial world moves towards the millennium. Although many of the substrates of the Reagan-Thatcher revolution live on in the shape of the ...

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    Empire builders in fight to the finish


    Make no mistake, it's a battle - a fight to the finish. A battle for territory, for customers, for markets, for revenue streams. A strategic war in which treaties are made with friendly powers, only to be abrogated when those powers turn out to be not quite as friendly as ...

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    Landing contract


    The new Fairchild Dornier 328-300 regional jet is to be fitted with a Messier-Dowty landing gear. The deal is expected to be worth $70 million to the Anglo-French venture over the life of the programme.   Source: Flight International