All Systems & Interiors news – Page 880

  • News

    Qantas faces union threat


    Qantas's management is facing confrontation with unions over a new wage agreement as it launches a drive to try to control costs and improve on disappointing productivity gains. Flight attendants and ground workers have already hinted at industrial action if they fail to win agreement on across the ...

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    Seven-year countdown


    Airbus makes progress towards a launch of its vitally important new large aircraft. Julian Moxon/TOULOUSE THIS AIRCRAFT "-will be the biggest challenge in civil-aviation history", says Jurgen Thomas, head of the new large-aircraft division of Airbus Industrie charged with developing the A3XX. While such words ...

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    Slow progress


    Progress towards achieving a US/Russian bilateral airworthiness agreement remains slow. Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC THE USA AND RUSSIA will break no speed records in their marathon efforts to complete a bilateral airworthiness agreement, say US aviation officials involved in the negotiations. While some progress is reported ...

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    Regional rivalry


    The Embraer EMB-145's Farnborough debut will help to focus attention on regional airliners. Max Kingsley-Jones/LONDON WHILE THE 1996 show is the first occasion on which the three major airliner manufacturers - Airbus Industrie, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas (MDC) - will be exhibiting their latest commercial wares at ...

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    GE prepares Snecma invitation to A340-600 engine project


    Julian Moxon/PARIS GENERAL ELECTRIC Aircraft Engines says that Snecma will "-definitely be invited" to join development of a power plant for the Airbus A340-600, if Airbus Industrie accepts the US company's proposal to supply an engine for the aircraft. Under a six-month exclusivity deal signed ...

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    Cargo and Catering departments face Sabena axe


    Herman de Wulf/BRUSSELS SABENA PLANS to shed its cargo and catering departments, with the possibility that they will be merged into the larger operations being run by the carrier's alliance partner and effective owner Swissair. Paul Reutlinger, who was brought in as Sabena president by Swissair ...

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    Dollar rise takes toll of SAS profit


    SAS HAS BECOME the latest of the northern European carriers to suffer a slump in operating profits, largely blamed on the rise of the US dollar. The Scandinavian carrier ended the first half of the year with operating profits down by nearly 40% at SKr930 million ($142 million) ...

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    A sticky problem


    THE WORLD'S LARGEST and most profitable airlines are facing an all-time-great dilemma as the Farnborough Air Show approaches. Should they bow to Boeing's pressure and sign now for its new stretched 747-500/ 600, or should they await the Airbus A3XX? If they buy the Boeing now, they ...

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    Alaska spurns MDC for Boeing


    ALASKA AIRLINES is negotiating for a fleet of new-generation Boeing 737s, following an apparent decision to sell off its large McDonnell Douglas (MDC) fleet and become all-Boeing by 2000. If confirmed, the move will mean the end of MDC's long-running battle with Boeing to supply Alaska with new ...

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    Yeovil electronic developments


    Yeovil Electronic Developments will show its DATAIR-400 battery-powered, hand-held ARINC-429 data monitor, designed for testing data-transmission systems in aircraft. Data are displayed on a four line x 16-character liquid-crystal display, in user-definable formats. "The equipment is aimed at the avionics technician who needs to be able to display ARINC-429 data ...

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    Data sciences


    Data Sciences is exhibiting its Sigma-M full-motion flight simulator, the latest development in the company's technology- demonstrator programme for cockpit trainers. The Sigma-M will be integrated with a low-cost, 6¡-of-freedom motion platform designed by Intersim, with high-resolution, out-of-cockpit views provided by Simis. The Sigma-M is available "at a fraction of ...

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    Skyhigh healthcare


    Airlines are finally considering fitting telemedicine equipment. Patrick Hook/LONDON DESPITE THE HUGE costs involved every time a scheduled service is diverted from its route to off-load a sick passenger, airlines have always demonstrated a reluctance to fit their aircraft with telemedicine equipment which might improve ...

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    ILS opens free-access stolen-parts database


    INVENTORY LOCATOR Service (ILS) is to provide free access, via the Internet, to its database of stolen aircraft-parts. Previously, the database was available only to customers using the company's "electronic marketplace" to buy and sell aircraft parts. ILS created the database after a 1989 industry conference estimated that ...

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    The politics of safety


    Tony Broderick talks on politics, safety and the need for a new funding regime. Paul Phelan/CAIRNS TONY BRODERICK understands better than most the perils which political intervention can put in the path of effective aviation-safety oversight. After nearly two decades at the US Federal Aviation ...

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    MDC postpones MD-XX launch to early part of 1997


    McDONNELL DOUGLAS (MDC) is now hoping to launch the MD-XX stretched, re-winged MD-11 derivative at the start of 1997, says president Harry Stonecipher. MDC had been tipped to launch the MD-XX at the Farnborough air show in September, but is expected instead to give detailed briefings to interested airlines, led ...

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    Recovered TWA No 2 engine has turbine blades missing


    INVESTIGATORS working on the Trans World Airlines (TWA) Boeing 747-100 crash off Long Island, New York, in July are still searching for conclusive evidence of what triggered the explosions, which destroyed the aircraft. The badly damaged No 2 engine has now been recovered, however, and is understood to have three ...

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    USA/Mexico GPS


    The USA and Mexico have established technical pacts on satellite-based navigational systems and other navigational services. The two sides can now formally begin co-operative work on future navigation systems involving the global-positioning system (GPS). Also established are specific functional areas of air-navigation services under which co-operative projects may be instituted ...

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    Giant Boeing order paves the way for first United 747-600X


    Guy Norris/LOS ANGELES UNITED AIRLINES has radically revised its large Boeing order, shifting the emphasis away from more 777s to 747-400s and, at the same time, paving the way for its first 747-600Xs. Negotiations for the long-anticipated order were originally based around an additional 17 777s, ...

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    Powering ahead


    Matra Marconi Space has introduced a new high-power satellite bus, the Eurostar 3000. Tim Furniss/LONDON MATRA MARCONI SPACE (MMS) has introduced a new spacecraft bus, the Eurostar 3000, designed to play a leading role in the rapidly emerging Global Information Infrastructure (GII), delivering broadband multimedia, advanced hand-held ...

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    United to dedicate fleet to shuttle division


    SHUTTLE BY UNITED, THE US airline's low-cost division set up in October 1994, will operate a dedicated fleet of 45 Boeing 737s from next March. The division's 23 134-seat 737-300s and 22 116-seat 737-500s will have new interior layouts, with galleys replaced by eight economy seats and new galley equipment. ...