All Systems & Interiors news – Page 897

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    Regional dilemma


    Fokker's troubles are only one symptom of turbulent times in the regional-aircraft market. Kevin O'Toole/LONDON Julian Moxon/TOULOUSE THESE ARE interesting times in the regional-aircraft market. Even without the crisis at Fokker, manufacturers were facing some fundamental questions about exactly where their market niche lies. ...

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    Pan Am plans to rise from the ashes


    MARTIN SHUGRUE, the ex-chief operating officer of Pan American World Airways, plans to relaunch the airline. Shugrue and former US Undersecretary of Commerce, for Travel and Tourism Charles Cobb have lined up $30 million in start-up capital from a consortium of investors. The airline, the world's most illustrious ...

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    During the past year the fortunes of Europe's flag carriers have, at best, been variable. And as 1996 gets underway there is a pervasive sense of unsettled agendas and greater events to come. The European majors have reaped the benefits of fragile economic recovery and stronger demand to ...

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    Horror movie


    Problems with airline inflight entertainment and communications systems have turned into a nightmare for many senior executives and there is not much prospect of an early solution. Kieran Daly looks at the problems.Rarely before has a technical concept promised such commercial advantage and delivered such misery. In fact the story ...

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    Due South


    Open skies to the US, new Asian routes and preparation for a hefty fleet renewal made 1995 a busy year for Air Canada. But has the cost taken too heavy a toll on the carrier's financial health? Sara Guild reports from Montreal. 'Nonstop America' says the inflight serviette on Air ...

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    The Asia-Pacific region continues to maintain its flagship role at the sharp end of global air travel recovery. Double-digit growth is again forecast through 1996, bringing further financial gains for regional operators and benefits for major airlines operating into the area from elsewhere. There will, however, be dramatically ...

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    Latin America


    Now that the process of privatising the airlines in Latin America and the Caribbean is complete, the next logical step is consolidation. Most Latin carriers are small by world standards, all are highly dependent on their home country markets, and many have weak balance sheets. The heavy losses of the ...

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    For the US airline industry, 1996 looks set to be a year when the word 'management' is finally used without the word 'crisis' coming before it. After a full year of profits in 1995 - the first for the industry's major players since 1989 - stability seems to ...

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    The market makers


    Intense competition is leading more and more airlines to seek low costs and maximum revenues in off-line markets by outsourcing some of their sales and marketing operations. Special report by Doug Rhymes.International airline sales and marketing managers are struggling to cope with the unique challenges presented by an industry bent ...

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    Swiss role reversal


    Regional operator Crossair has a central role to play in reversing the fortunes of the Swissair group. Mark Odell reports from Switzerland on the wider restructuring of a company trying to redefine itself.Swissair has earned its reputation for quality, sound management principles and solid financial performance as it has grown ...

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    West teeters on brink of recession


    The sustained economic recovery among the larger western economies, now entering its fifth year, could pause in 1996 after slowing abruptly in the final months of last year. A combination of factors, including the downward pressure on budget deficits in Europe being exerted by the need to meet the ...

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    Airline news


    Alaska Airlines has become the first US carrier to offer ticket booking on the Internet. Northwest Airlines is extending its daily Boston-Amsterdam service to Bombay (four times weekly) and Delhi (three times). United Airlines is launching daily services to Vancouver from both Denver and Los Angeles ...

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    China ties start to fray


    The once-strong links between Cathay Pacific and China are unravelling, fueling concerns over the unofficial flag carrier's status after the return of Hong Kong to Chinese rule next year. Cathay has withdrawn from its joint venture in southeast China to develop Xiamen airport, a project once touted as ...

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    EU liable to impose will


    The European Commission has hijacked the global debate on airline liability with proposals that would force all European Union carriers to conform to a Japanese-style unlimited liability system. The move towards a legally enforceable liability regime not only appears to have taken the European carriers by surprise but ...

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    Galileo data delight NASA but scupper scientists' theories


    Tim Furniss/LONDON THE DESIGNERS of NASA's Galileo probe have been vindicated after 57min of data were returned from the craft as it descended through the predominantly hydrogenous atmosphere of Jupiter on 7 December. The data, however, disappointed scientists, who had been expecting them to reveal far more ...

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    Olin brings power to passenger seats


    OLIN AEROSPACE (OAC) has begun demonstrating an in-seat power system to airlines which will allow passengers to plug in their laptop computers during flight. Redmond, Washington-based OAC says that lap-top batteries "dying" is a major source of passenger complaints and that airlines surveyed ranked an in-seat power system as a ...

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    RAF close to decision on Jaguar weapons


    The RAF is considering fitting its Sepecat Jaguar aircraft with the British Aerospace ASRAAM short-range air-to-air and the ALARM anti-radiation missiles, as part of an upgrade programme intended to see the aircraft continue in service until 2008. A "feasibility fit" of the weapons has already been carried ...

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    Computers aid GV wing design


    APPEARANCES CAN be deceiving, and the GV's outward similarity to the GIV belies the changes wrought to achieve an almost-60% increase in range. The wing is all-new, sized to house the fuel required for a 12,000km (6,500nm) range, but shaped by the desire to maintain the GIV's ...

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    Tahiti's FANS makes headway


    Julian Moxon/PARIS FRANCE'S THOMSON-CSF has completed the second phase of Tahiti's new satellite-based oceanic air-traffic-control system, with delivery of the automated data-link component. When complete in early 1997, the Tahiti system will be one of the main components of the South Pacific Future Air Navigation ...

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    Checking the numbers


    There are fears that Hong Kong's new airport is already heading for a capacity problem. Chris Yates/HONG KONG IT IS THE WORLD'S single largest project in civil engineering today and one of the most complex combined excavation and reclamation projects in history, requiring the largest fleet of seaborne dredgers, ...