All Systems & Interiors news – Page 911

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    Tupolev reveals Tu-304 details


    TUPOLEV HAS revealed new details of its planned Tu-304 long-range, widebodied twin, adding that it has signed a protocol with Rolls-Royce to power the aircraft. The agreement with the UK engine manufacturer covers the use of the 400kN (90,000lb)-thrust Trent 884 turbofan. Tupolev is coming to the end ...

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    Stretched Il-76 on display


    ILYUSHIN HAS DISPLAYED its Il-76MF transporter, considered to be the only real competitor so far for Antonov's troubled An-70 programme. The aircraft's cabin has been stretched by 6.6m, compared with earlier versions of the Il-76, offering an increase in cargo capacity of up to 1.5t. The new variant also has ...

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    Ilyushin develops cargo variant of Il-114


    THE ILYUSHIN design bureau and the TAPO Tashkent production plant are completing development of a cargo version of the Il-114 regional turboprop. The freighter will have a door measuring 3.31 x 1.78m in the tail section of the fuselage, and a take-off weight of 23,500kg. With a 6,000kg ...

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    The Gordon-Bennett Race...


    The Gordon-Bennett Race After an interval of seven years, the classic Gordon-Bennett race, in which speed is the only consideration, is to be resumed at Etampes near Paris. The speed course this year is somewhat longer than that for the event which was held in 1913, being 300 kilometres (186 ...

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    Airlines 'abuse CFMU' warns Eurocontrol


    Julian Moxon/PARIS MULTIPLE FLIGHT-plan bookings by "unscrupulous" airlines using Eurocontrol's new central flow-management unit (CFMU) are causing significant delays for traffic using French and Swiss airspace, says the head of the CFMU unit. The problem centres on the CFMU's recently introduced automated flight-plan processing system, ...

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    Embraer flies EMB-145


    Graham Warwick/SAO PAULO EMBRAER FLEW THE prototype EMB-145 regional jet for the first time on 11 August. The Brazilian manufacturer had logged some 8h flying by the time of the official roll out and first public flight at its Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, plant on 18 ...

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    Safety-resource management


    David Learmount/LONDON Ramon Lopez/WASHINGTON DC Paul Phelan/CAIRNS AS MILITARY BUDGETS shrink and resources become more scarce, there are signs, that military aviation flight safety leaders, are taking up ideas developed by the civil air transport community. In one of the most significant of these ...

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    Independence days


    Since the break-up of Aeroflot, the number of independent airlines in the CIS has grown to around 500. Paul Duffy/MOSCOW THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY in the former Soviet Union has seen some remarkable changes in the past four years. From a supposedly single airline, Aeroflot in ...

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    CASA plans to develop new transport variants


    Julian Moxon/MADRID CASA IS PLANNING developments to each of its military transports as part of a new strategy aimed at further strengthening its position in the sector. A new version of the C.212, the C.212-400, has effectively been launched, equipped with electronic flight-instrumentation system improvements ...

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    BA/KLM set records as traffic takes off


    Kevin O'Toole/LONDON BRITISH AIRWAYS impressed analysts with record profits in the June quarter, while KLM followed with another robust performance, helping to underline the strength of demand in Europe's air markets. BA's net profits rose above £100 million ($160 million) for the quarter, the first ...

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    Raytheon Aircraft delivers all-cargo 1900Cs to Falcon


    RAYTHEON AIRCRAFT has delivered, the first of four all cargo Beech 1900Cs, to Dubai-based Falcon Express Air Cargo (FECA), which will use the aircraft for express-package services in the Gulf region. The used 1900Cs have been modified with aluminum cabin liners, cargo nets, plugged windows, special interior lighting ...

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    Starships will be crash-tested


    TWO STARSHIP airframes donated by Raytheon Aircraft to NASA's Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments (AGATE) programme will be used for nondestructive testing and crash-simulation tests (Flight International, 17-23 May). Raytheon has donated two of the three Starship certification prototypes, having first removed the engines, avionics and systems. Initial ...

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    Northwest and KLM increase US-Europe frequencies


    NORTHWEST AIRLINES and KLM will inaugurate a joint daily non-stop service between Washington's Dulles International and Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on 29 October, replacing the present thrice-weekly frequencies. The new service will be flown with McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30s. The two airlines now offer joint schedules from 11 North American ...

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    IFEN certificated


    Interactive Flight Technologies' video-on-demand In-Flight Entertainment Network (IFEN) has received US Federal Aviation Administration supplemental type-certification following test flying in an Alitalia McDonnell Douglas MD-11. Alitalia is evaluating the US company's in-seat video system. Source: Flight International

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    Maintenance Company Downtown Airpark, of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has named Adriano Davila director of international sales. Over the past 14 years, following US Air Force service, Davila has been a pilot and technician instructor at both Colorado Aerotech and FlightSafety International. Greg Groves has become interior department manager, replacing Ed ...

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    Passengers become more sophisticated


    Sir - The recent stand made by a group of UK charter carriers against low-quality flight operations is long overdue (Flight International, 12-18 July, P8 and Letters, 26 July-1 August, P39). In all markets, passengers are price-sensitive, but they are also quality-conscious. Premium-class passengers, in particular, have become ...

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    Ringing in the new


    What does the new Bell 407 offer over its predecessors? Graham Warwick/MONTREAL IF BELL IS renowned for two things in the commercial-helicopter field, they are the Model 206 and the two-blade rotor. These traditional Bell strengths have threatened to become weaknesses, however, as the prolonged ...

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    Taking the heat


    CASA president Raul Herranz talks about his successful business strategy. Julian Moxon/MADRID WITH VIRTUALLY no rain in recent months, and the city now suffering the hottest weather in recent memory, the atmosphere in Madrid this summer is hardly refreshing. Unless, that is, one ...

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    Why lemons can make pilots sick


    Gunter Endres/LONDON WHAT WOULD YOU do if you are a pilot and you smell lemons in the cockpit? You would most likely to assume that the cabin staff is serving a gin and tonic, or cleaning the toilets, and you would ignore it. What you probably will ...

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    Duncan pushes turnaround performance


    DUNCAN AVIATION IS guaranteeing customers a reduced turnaround time for the maintenance, refurbishment, or painting of light- and medium-sized business-jets. Lincoln, Nebraska-based Duncan's new PowerTurn programme specifies penalties if the company fails to redeliver the aircraft by the guaranteed date. "[Corporate] flight departments are increasingly expected to maximise ...