Boeing has chosen the AlliedSignal Aerospace F124 turbofan engine as the powerplant for the Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) Advanced Technology Demonstrator (ATD).

Boeing's Phantom Works was recently chosen by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the US Air Force to continue into the second phase of the UCAV ATD programme. AlliedSignal will provide engineering support and propulsion engines during the design, fabrication and flight test phases of the 42-month programme.

AlliedSignal's Mike Redenbaugh, vice-president military/helicopter enterprise, says: "The F124 is a high specific-thrust modular engine and the premier engine in its class. The UCAV ATD programme is the next step in the growing number of F124 applications."

The F124 is a high-performance turbofan delivering up to 6,750lb (30kN) of thrust at a maximum rated power without afterburner. As the F125 with afterburner, the engine can deliver 10,000lb of thrust.

Source: Flight Daily News