Outsize cargo operators Volga-Dnepr and Ukraine's Antonov Airlines are moving ahead with gaining European JAA approval for the Antonov An-124-100 freighter through the UK CAA.

Volga-Dnepr general director Alexei Isaikin says the two airlines are preparing to sign an ad hoc memorandum with the CAA and Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK), the CIS aviation airworthiness body. "It will fix our common positions and order of work. There is a clear understanding between us. The UK regulator has completely agreed to the proposals made by MAK and [Antonov Design Bureau] chief designer Dmitry Kiva."

The memorandum stipulates that the certification programme for the An-124 is designed to receive recognition of the Russian type certificate from the CAA. Isaikin assumes that the entire process would be completed within two years.

Source: Flight Daily News