• Former Royal Brunei Airlines head Peter Foster has been appointed chief executive of Kazakhstan’s Air Astana, replacing Lloyd Paxton.
  • New Zealander Brad Moore has been named chief operating officer of eastern European low-cost carrier Wizz Air. He has been recruited from Air Canada where he was head of airports.
  • After just five months with the carrier, Kyrl ­Acton has left South African Airways. He was brought in by chief executive Khaya Ngqula to bolster the airline’s management team as chief operating officer, but the two parties have mutually agreed to terminate his contract.
  • SN Brussels Airholding is rebuilding the executive team that runs SN Brussels Airlines and Virgin Express following the resignation of executive chairman Rob Kuijpers and the departure of chief executive Peter Davis. To date it has named an executive committee, featuring chairman Neil Burrows from Virgin Express, plus SN Brussels representatives Michel Meyfroidt, Rudi Nerinckx, Erik Follet and Philip Saunders.
  • Ursula Silling, formerly the commercial director of Hapag-Lloyd Express, has joined Virgin Express in the same role, taking over from Paul Sies who is moving to Center Parcs Europe.

Source: Airline Business