Northrop Grumman is forecasting a potential market for between 25 and 40 RQ-8B Fire Scout vertical take-off and landing unmanned air vehicles (VTUAVs) in Asia-Pacific during the current decade.

Australia, Japan and South Korea are all considered to be near- to medium-term prospects. Japan is at the forefront with a possible requirement for between 15 and 20 air vehicles.

The lead acquisition would probably be attached to the Japanese navy's current two-ship DDH helicopter and command platform programme, but could also evolve to include the six-ship DDX-06 destroyer programme.

Curt Orchard, Northrop Grumman vice-president Asia, says that "assuming Fire Scout is selected by Japan, and that is an assumption because [the Bell Helicopter] Eagle Eye is a candidate, we see a market for 15-20 just in this decade."

The Australian requirement is linked with the country's Sea 4000 air-warfare destroyer project. Three ships are planned, which will each be capable of carrying one helicopter and up to three VTUAVs.

Any potential South Korean purchase would be linked to that country's four-ship KDX-3 destroyer programme, with the lead hull now under construction. Orchard says, however, that no decisions are expected before at least 2006.

He says that "exploratory discussions" are continuing with the Singaporean ministry of defence on a potential requirement for VTUAVs to equip the Singaporean navy's new Lafayette-class frigates.

Source: Flight International