The Teal report breaks down its predictions for fighter sales over the coming decade into regional markets.

In Asia, it notes that not every country was affected by the financial crisis of recent years. Taiwan and Singapore, in particular, were largely unscathed. The report predicts Taiwan will buy more F-16s "just as soon as politically feasible," possibly more Mirage 2000s and then move on to something heavier - Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon or an export-version F-22 Raptor.

Singapore, it forecasts, will stick with the F-16 then buy the JSF.

South Korea " making a superb recovery and again represents a very important fighter market."

Malaysia may buy "a few more MiGs," the Philippines is looking for 15 to 24 used aircraft and Indonesia is currently out of the market.

The report believes India's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) - if it goes ahead - will be "expensive and useless" and its likely demise will open the door for more MiG-29s or Sukhoi-30s, plus Mirage 2000s.

Pakistan, beset with funding and political problems, is looking to buy 150 Chinese Chengdu FC-1s, "...which would be useless against most of the Indian Air Force planes."

Source: Flight Daily News