Readers will have noticed a number of changes to this week's Flight International. After more than a decade, we have updated our look, with a new cover, typeface and page layout.

Other revisons include an expanded contents section, background panels accompanying key stories, and - on the opening news spread - a briefing of world events impacting on the industry. Other sections, from features to flight tests, Straight & Level to letters, have also received the redesign treatment.

The facelift coincides with the launch this weekend of the Paris air show and our 192-page issue examines many of the themes and innovations which will come under the spotlight at Le Bourget as the industry wrestles with consolidation, diversification and an ever more liberalised global economy. Several readers - we know; we spoke to them in the research we conducted - will accuse us of changing for change's sake and fixing something that ain't broke. Not so. The needs and expectations of our readership are evolving and like any supplier of a product or service we strive to meet the demands of the market. The new-look Flight International is based on what we believe the vast majority of our readers and advertisers want from an international aerospace business journal, blending the experience of our journalists and the incisiveness of our journalism with a design more in keeping with the 21st century.

Source: Flight International