Boeing has praised 125 US lawmakers for signing a letter urging the US government to take action after the World Trade Organization (WTO) releases an "imminent" final ruling against Airbus.

The brief letter, spearheaded by Representatives Todd Tiahrt, of Kansas, and Norm Dicks, of Washington, was sent to President Barack Obama.

"Our policies should not reward foreign governments or companies that benefited from illegal subsidies," the letter says. "When the WTO's final ruling in this matter confirms U.S. claims that Airbus products were illegally subsidized, we will be committed to ensuring this principle is upheld."

In a separate news release, Boeing said the WTO decision could be reached soon. An interim ruling on 4 September reportedly found that Airbus accepted illegal subsidies to launch the A380.

Boeing's statement warned that Airbus wants to use the same practices to finance the A350.

"We look forward to working with Congress to ensure this matter of principle and of important policy is enforced," Boeing says.

The European Union is waiting for an interim ruling from the WTO in a case that accuses of Boeing of accepting illegal subsidies from the US government.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news