Flight International online news 09:00GMT: Australia's defence department has awarded Boeing a contract to provide the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) weapon system for the AIR 5409 Bomb Improvement Programme.


“JDAM will provide the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) with all-weather, autonomous, accurate delivery of bombs against a broad spectrum of targets,” says Rick Heerdt, JDAM program manager for Boeing. “The JDAM weapon system will greatly enhance the RAAF’s ability to accurately and reliably engage a broad spectrum of targets using their existing F/A-18 aircraft.”

JDAM was offered in response to the programme’s requirement for an upgraded weapon system for the Australian fleet of Boeing-built F/A-18 aircraft. The company’s offer included JDAM guidance kits, F/A-18 weapon system integration, and operational support. A GPS-aided, near-precision weapon, JDAM guidance kits are capable of guiding inventory warheads ranging in size from 227kg-908kg (500lb-2,000lb) and have been used extensively in global operations by the US Air Force and Navy.


Source: Flight International