Tim Ripley/LONDON

US AIR FORCE denials that it is responsible for covert supply flights to the Bosnian armed forces have been re-inforced by UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR) officials, who suspect that the Bosnian Government is operating its own Lockheed C-130 Hercules.

UN observers have reported several low-level flights of a multi-engine turboprop transport aircraft in the Tuzla region.

Amid a public spat between the USA, NATO and the UN, there was speculation that the USA is flying covert supply missions to the Bosnian Muslim forces.

The USA had been applying pressure on the UN to deny that it had recorded any flights.

Senior UNPROFOR officials, however, "strongly suspect" that the Bosnian forces have acquired a C-130, in addition to a CASA C.212 transport. They believe that these aircraft are the most likely to have been used for the violations.

While it appears that the USA is not responsible for the flights, there remains a suspicion that it may be supplying some of the arms covertly.

One UNPROFOR official says: "I am confident some aircraft are buzzing around this area. One aircraft was heard and then seen on the night of 23 February."

There are four airfields in the Tuzla one. The UN controls the main runway, while the Tuzla west airfield runway is blocked.

Tuzla east is a grass strip and now unuseable. The Tuzla highway strip is controlled by the Bosnian army, however, and it is this runway that the UN suspects is being used to breach the no-fly zone.

The Bosnians are believed to operate freely from air bases in Croatia and Slovenia, using them as staging posts on flights to break the arms embargo.

UN military observers have also reported sightings of small unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) being operated in both Bosnian and Croatian airspace.

UNPROFOR officials believe that the UAVs are operated by US personnel.

The US has previously used contractor operated General Atomics Gnat 750 UAV to support US forces in the region.

Source: Flight International