Good week for...

Hampson industries,

the UK aerospace and automotive engineering group, which has revealed that profits for the year to March are expected to exceed market expectations. Brokers Investec and Arbuthnot have issued "buy" recommendations. Arbuthnot analyst Michael Blogg says the civil aerospace recovery, ramp-up of Eclipse 500 very light jet production and initiatives to raise margins in UK aerospace machining are among the drivers behind Hampson's rapid earnings growth.


Lufthansa Systems

Lufthansa's information technology division, which says a 22% fall in its full-year operating result was due to price pressure, product development and preliminary costs for new outsourcing contracts. Profit fell to €49 million ($65 million), but sales were up 2.7% in 2006, of which over 41% was to customers outside the Lufthansa group. The company's Future Airline Core Environment - an alternative to global distribution systems - goes live next year.

Bad week for...

Quote of the week


"The aviation industry is an environmental pariah. It must present a cohesive counter-argument, and do it soon, or growth is threatened."

Tim Clark, president Emirates airline

Tim Clarks

Source: Flight International