So farewell then BAC One-Eleven. It seems time is up for this sturdy but, alas, too noisy little British airliner. New noise regulations sweeping through the lands in the wake of the euro will keep the One-Eleven grounded in the UK after midnight on 31 March 2002. For those of you who get misty eyed at the memory of watching these trusted T-tails cart thousands of pasty-faced package holiday makers to the sun here's a chance for pure indulgence. Ian Allan Travel, in association with the last UK operator of the One-Eleven, European Aviation Air Charter, is offering seats on a series of farewell flights. Following departures on 30 and 31 March from Belfast, Luton, Manchester and Newcastle, the final flight will leave appropriately from Bournemouth where most of the 230 British-built aircraft were assembled.

Details from Ian Allan Travel: Tel: + 44 1932 255 625 or Fax: +44 1932 231 942 or e-mail:

Source: Flight International