Chelton Flight Systems has up-graded its "highway in the sky" electronic flight-instrument system (EFIS). The version 5.0A software features over 130 changes, including enhanced vertical navigation, flight planning using Victor airways and jet routes, and colour-coded airspace on the moving map display.

Other changes include increasing the number of user-defined navigation waypoints to 500, providing capacity to program search-and-rescue patterns; doubling of the range on the map to 740km (400nm); enhanced display of obstructions; expanded fuel-flow display options; autotuning of certain radios; and the addition of a Mach meter and fast/slow indicator when used with a compatible angle-of-attack computer.

The Chelton EFIS's "synthetic vision" primary flight display features three-dimensional terrain modelling and highway-in-the-sky predictive flight-director guidance based on the GPS wide-area augmentation system.


Source: Flight International