Northrop Grumman subsidiary California Microwave Systems has begun upgrading the sensors on three US Army RC-7B Airborne Reconnaissance Low - Multifunction aircraft (de Havilland Canada Dash 7s) under a $3 million contract. The company is installing a Wescam M-20 forward-looking infrared sensor with laser rangefinder, and the wideband Tactical Common Data Link, which will allow real-time transmission of synthetic-aperture radar images from the aircraft. BAE Systems has won a £3 million ($4.8 million) contract to supply TERPROM ground proximity warning systems for UK Royal Air Force Panavia Tornado F3s. A similar order for Tornado GR4s was placed last year. US Navy Air Systems Command has awarded Lockheed Martin Aircraft & Logistics Centers a $350 million, seven-year contract for depot level maintenance of US Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps McDonnell Douglas C-9s. Matra BAe Dynamics has won a seven-year contract worth more than £24 million ($38 million) from the UK Defence Logistics Organisation to support Rapier FSB2 short-range air defence systems.

Source: Flight International