Sagem has received orders worth €150 million ($138 million) to supply inertial navigation systems for Dassault Rafale fighters and NH Industries NH90 helicopters. Raytheon has received the first production contract for the latest version of its AIM-120 medium-range air-to-air missile, AMRAAM P3I Phase 3. The $165 million deal covers 387 missiles for the US Air Force and Navy, Japan and Saudi Arabia, and includes five additional annual options, taking the potential value close to $2 billion. Raytheon is also to upgrade 16 US Navy Phalanx close-in weapon systems to Block 1B standard and produce four additional upgrade kits under a $47.8 million contract. Lockheed Martin has received a $498 million amendment to its November 2001 contract to develop the US Air Force's Advanced Extremely High Frequency communications satellite. This has increased the development cost from $2.7 billion to $3.2 billion and is a result of a funding shortfall in the fiscal year 2002 budget and the loss of international partner funding. L-3 Communications' Link Simulation and Training division has received a $29.9 million second production contract for Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 training devices. Link will build full mission and weapon tactics trainers and supply seat and canopy trainers for maintenance training. South Korea has ordered 23 Ilyushin Il-103s light aircraft and taken options for 19 more. The aircraft will be used for basic training, with first deliveries early next year. The aircraft will be manufactured at the RSK MiG Lukhovitsie factory near Moscow. The Spanish Ministry of Defence is to lease X-band capacity on the XAT-EUR satellite to be launched later this year by XTAR, a joint venture between Loral Space & Communications and Spain's Hisdesat. The deal will bridge the gap until Hisdesat's SpainSat satellite enters service in 2004, on which Spain will lease one Ka-band and five X-band transponders.

Source: Flight International