Sir - It is a pity that there is not more co-operation within the aviation industry worldwide.

In the case of the "super jumbo", for example, world co-operation could transform the flat bed of the Antonov An-225 into an almost-ready-to-work "super jumbo". Similarly, co-operation on the Russian Energia booster could make the Freedom International Space Station a faster reality.

It is to be regretted, also, that such machines as the Russian Buran space shuttle are rusting in a backyard, while lower-technology machines are used.

If such instruments could be used under international agreements, not only would the world's aviation industry have essential tools less expensively and more quickly, but also the ex-Soviet states would gain a source of income which would permit them to earn more money and consequently be able to engage in increased trade, create further jobs, enter bigger markets and thereby improve their economic situations.

Rui Dos Santos

Luanda, Angola

Source: Flight International
