Honeywell president and chief executive David Cote says it's great to have an airshow where the company is not preoccupied with mergers.

This is his first appearance at Farnborough with Honeywell since he moved from TRW in February. He admits that last year's GE/Honeywell merger saga took its toll.


"It was a painful process, but it did have a positive side," he says. "Part of the process involved consultants and analysts coming into our company, which generated thousands of new ideas. We had to change, but their guidance helped us build a better company.

"When I first arrived at Honeywell, I visited 50,000 employees in 25 countries and also met more than 200 customers. What I found was very positive.

"We've now got our company back and I can tell you that we have a great business and we're not for sale."

Honeywell (Hall 1, A15) has landed $40 billion-worth of orders in 40 months, with an 86% win rate. It has added a further $5 billion orders this year alone and Cote is positive about the future.

"We have a 100% win rate on our Primus Epic integrated cockpit suite with seven customers on 13 aircraft and we are continuing to push ahead with innovations like runway incursion warnings on our Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) product.

"And we are now guiding Honeywell's future by a steadfast focus on our five initiatives – driving growth, improving productivity, generating cash, developing our people, and using our key enablers like Six Sigma and digitisation to support our efforts," says Cote.

"We are excited about the possibilities ahead of us, working together as a global team to strengthen Honeywell as a customer-focused, quality-driven company, a great place to work, and a terrific investment."

Source: Flight Daily News