
List your work experience before your education Put your most recent experience first - that's what sells you to an employer Concentrate on your achievements not your responsibilities. This means listing things you have done - such as products launched, sales increased, awards won - not rewriting your job description. Quote figures whenever possible Keep it to the point and concentrate on the quality of your achievements not the quantity Tailor your CV to particular jobs - making more of different achievements depending on what an employer is seeking List other skills that could raise you above the competition such as languages, driving licence, IT skills Include your interests - they are one way in which recruiters remember who you are. But try to be specific. For example, listing reading as an interest begs the question 'reading what?' There is a wealth of difference between Viz and Jane Austen. Also, don't list too many time-consuming activities or your potential employer will wonder how you intend fitting in a job Keep it clear. This means no shading, boxes or columns as they will be lost once your CV has been scanned or photocopied for passing around the organisation Be ruthless with yourself and keep it to two pages maximum Check thoroughly for correct spelling and grammar - spotting errors is a quick and easy way of weeding out weaker candidates when faced with 50 CVs to read. After all, if you cannot be bothered to put the spell check through your CV do you really want the job? Get a second opinion from someone you trust


Leave any gaps in your work record - employers will assume the worst, for example that you were sacked Tell fibs - you'll be found out and that employer will probably never deal with you again. Many employers use information service companies to check out facts included in CVs. List all the one-day training courses you have ever been on Include a photo unless you know the employer will want one Fax it without sending a copy in the post as well Include lots of attachments unless requested


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Source: Flight International