A Czech Airlines ATR 42 appears to have been destroyed in a hangar fire at Prague airport on 9 June.

The Czech flag carrier states that nobody was "seriously injured" during the incident, but local media reports say that three people were injured in an explosion at Czech Airlines Technics's Hangar F.

The airline says that the aircraft was "substantially damaged" but declined to comment whether or not this was beyond repair.

The loss has been initially estimated at Kc 200-300 million ($9.7m-$14.5m), which suggests the turboprop has been written off.

According to Flightglobal's ACAS database, the aircraft (reg OK-KFM, MSN635) is a 2005-vintage ATR 42-500, which is owned by ACL Leasing. Ascend estimates its current market value at around $8.35 million.

The aircraft had around 14,870 flight hours and 14,330 cycles as of February, according to the ACAS database.

Czech Airlines says that the fire was "quickly extinguished" and that the hangar remained "unscathed".

One flight was cancelled on 12 June, but all services are now being conducted according to schedule, the airline adds. Work at its maintenance subsidiary "carries on as usual", it says.

Source: Air Transport Intelligence news