Acquisition moves by Germany's Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace (Dasa) continue to gather momentum at the Paris air show, with reports that the company is having discussions about buying a stake in Romanian aircraft maker Aerostar.

A Dasa spokesman confirms talks are under way, but says it is too early to say if the deal will go through.

Sources in the Romanian camp are more upbeat about the deal, which would follow the full privatisation of the 70% state-owned company.

A more likely first move is a teaming agreement between the two companies to upgrade the Romanian air force's 21 MiG-29 fighters. Dasa sources say this deal has a "pretty high" chance of success.


Germany is offering the Romanians the opportunity to join its proposed "Mittel Ost Europa" support group for MiG-29 fighter operators.

Dasa has already formed a company, in co-operation with Russia's MAPO and Rosvooruzhenie to support and upgrade the Luftwaffe's own fleet for former East German MiG-29s.

The Romanians are being offered three options, including airframe life extension, modular systems upgrades and improved range.

Source: Flight Daily News