Exactly 12 months after its acquisition by the Royal Bank of Scotland, British metalworking specialist Doncasters (Hall 4, C20) is here as part of a drive to boost its aerospace sales.


"Our principal customers have cut their orders and taken more specialist work back in-house," says chief executive Eric Lewis.

"But we believe that before long aerospace will start to follow the example of the automotive industry by outsourcing more and more non-core activities. One opportunity that the company has already seized is Rolls-Royce's 40-day engine initiative, designed to see a complete powerplant manufactured in no more than 40 working days.

Doncasters is supplying turbine aerofoils, ring exhaust parts and centrifugal castings and has pioneered a key new metalworking technology to support the programme.

This is ‘near net-shape centrespinning,' claimed to reduce raw-material waste and yield finished components that are stronger than those produced by conventional casting.

Source: Flight Daily News