Re Russ Spence's plea for advice (Flight International, 27 August-2 September). I'd like to offer the following insight. I am a qualified ATP with 7,000 hours' experience, all on medium and heavy jets. I have an engineering degree and several type ratings. I have a spotless track record and I generally consider myself a seasoned professional.

When I apply for airline jobs, I get excuses like "you don't have the required type ratings" (even though I currently fly a heavier and more complex aircraft), or "you don't have the required licences", or just a plain "you don't meet our requirements". In better times, I have seen people climb into the cockpit of a Boeing 737 with only 230 hours and NO multi-time.

My advice is: don't get caught up in the hours charade and don't despair when you hear the impoverished excuses of the airlines. Be patient and wait for better times.

Name and address supplied

Source: Flight International