MEBA, the dedicated business-to-business conference and exhibition for business aviation in the Middle East region, is to expand its floor space by up to 50% when it takes place in November 2008.

Following the success of the first MEBA conference and exhibition in Dubai at the end of January this year the show will move its timing in order to alternate with the main biennial Dubai Air Show. “The massive potential was underscored at this year’s MEBA event which attained an impressive $907 million on-site declared order book,” says Alison Weller, director, aerospace of show organiser Fairs & Exhibitions (F&E).

“Sales really took off following a successful push at last month’s National Business Aviation Association event in Atlanta,” she says. “Major names are already on the floorplan and projections are that the next MEBA show could see up to 50 aircraft on the static display.”

“In the space of only two events MEBA now ranks among the top three business aviation shows in the world. Its key appeal is the scale and potential of the market, which analysts predict will be worth $800 million by 2012 – that’s double its current estimated value,” says Weller.

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Source: Flight Daily News