Reports have suggested that the selection of the UAE’s advanced trainer has been put back, and will not be announced at the show, but Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), manufacturer of the front-running T-50 aircraft, says it hopes a decision might be announced at Dubai this week.

The T-50 is already in service with the RoKAF, and the first class of student pilots trained on the aircraft graduated at the end of October. The 22nd aircraft will be delivered at the end of the month.

KAI is offering the T-50 as part of an overall total training system, which will include a training needs analysis, simulators and support, and the company points to the aircraft’s particular suitability to meet UAE requirements, with its FBW flight control system, afterburning single engine and advanced cockpit and avionics, all of which the T-50 shares with the F-16E/F and Mirage 2000-9.


KAI claim that the T-50’s ability to fulfil advanced jet training (AJT) and lead-in fighter training (LIFT) in one airframe will allow a reduction in training sortie numbers and times, and will thereby reduce training costs. Because all R&D has been paid for by the Korean Government, the aircraft will cost “about the same” as its competitors, but will offer much higher training effectiveness.

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Source: Flight Daily News