Pete Bunce, president and chief executive of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, has hailed a recently signed transatlantic bilateral safety agreement as an important step forward for business aviation.

The agreement, which aims to boost co-operation in civil aviation safety, has taken three years to negotiate and came into being on 1 May.

However, Bunce cautioned: "With this agreement we are not at the goal line, we are only on the starting block."

He said that it was important to get the regulation right to "propagate regulatory issues and a common framework of regulations" in emerging markets.

"As those markets have really buoyed the industry during the downturn, the best thing we can do is to ensure commonality in the regulations.

"We have to set the standards for the whole planet," he said.

The Federal Aviation Administration-European Aviation Safety Agency deal covers areas such as design approval, airworthiness certification and maintenance standards.

Source: Flight Daily News