The creation of European Aeronautic, Defense and Space (EADS) may be delayed by four months if the European Commission (EC) decides to investigate the tie-up between Aerospatiale Matra, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace (Dasa) and Casa.

Fears of a delay have arisen because of Brussels' decision to scrutinise the creation of the European space company Astrium, which will combine the space interests of Dasa and Matra Marconi Space.

Dasa chairman and chief executive Dr Manfred Bischoff admits that a limited evaluation of EADS is unlikely given the position the EC has taken on Astrium. "If the EC opts for the full investigation and uses the full time possible, then we would have a delay," he says.

Aerospatiale and Dasa are aiming to establish EADS formally and float 34.3% of the new company next May, but Bischoff says a full competition probe by the EC could push this date late into the third quarter of the year.

An initial one-month study of the merger is expected to start in January. A full investigation could take four more months. The EC competition directorate is unable to comment as it has yet to be formally notified of the merger plans.

Source: Flight International