Rolls-Royce's Spanish partner on the EJ200 engine for the Eurofighter EF2000 says that it will test a thrust-vectoring nozzle in January 1998.

While no decision has been made on fitting the nozzle to the EJ200, R-R says that the device has "excellent potential" to improve the EF2000's manoeuvrability and agility, as well as the aircraft's take-off performance.

Spain's ITP/Sener launched the technology-demonstrator programme for its multi-axis thrust-vectoring nozzle in 1994, claiming a novel design that is simpler and lighter than that of rival offerings.

Maximum geometric deflection is 20í, using a three-ring system which enables the nozzle's exit and throat areas to be modulated independently to optimise thrust. Thrust vectoring is achieved by altering the deflection of the divergent section "providing minimum engine distortion", says ITP.

The programme draws on experience gained through Daimler-Benz Aerospace's (Dasa) involvement in the Rockwell/Dasa X-31 high-agility demonstrator aircraft. Flight-test validation is planned to begin in early 2001.

Source: Flight International
