CIS engine makers MMPP Salyut and UMPO and Ukraine's Motor-Sich have signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly seek European certification of the 16,500lb (73.5kN) ZMKB Progress D-436TP turbofan that powers the Beriev Be-200 twin-jet amphibian. The three companies have each invested $18 million in the D-436 project in addition to Russian and Ukrainian state funding.

Motor-Sich technical director Gennady Sofind says the cost of European certification is $5-8 million. The manufacturers have sought the approval of Be-200 builder NPK Irkut to pursue European JAR-25 certification of the baseline Be-200ChS if the D-436TP wins European approval. An Irkut/EADS joint study indicated an international market for 320 Be-200s worth $7-7.5 billion.

Source: Flight International
