Continuous cockpit smoke in the flightdeck is one of the deadliest in-flight problems a crew might face. A routine emergency can quickly turn into disaster with complete loss of vision, followed by loss of spatial orientation.
One company exhibiting at EBACE can remove the problem.
EVAS (Emergency Vision Assurance System) offers a simple yet highly effective solution, a lightweight self-contained unit weighing around 2.3kg (5lb) and the same size as the flight manual. 

Evas cocpit W445

According to a Boeing study of commercial accidents, in-flight smoke is the fourth highest cause of aircraft accident fatalities and loss of aircraft. Already a number of major business jet operators are making use of the life-saving equipment.
The inflatable vision unit (IVU) inflates in 15-20s. The IVU is filled with cabin air from the EVAS unit through powerful filters that remove particles down to 0.1 micron.  This means there is clear window through which the crew can see, allowing them to look at not only the primary instruments, but also through the windscreen.
Here at Geneva, operators can get a chance to try it out for themselves.
A cockpit smoke demonstrator on booth 1666 allows delegates to sit in the pilot’s seat as the cabin fills with smoke, mirroring what an actual smoke emergency is like with and without EVAS.  Copies of the Safety Operating Systems technical report on smoke and fire as well more information are available from the booth.


Source: Flight Daily News