Eurofighter International president Cesare Gianni talks to Tim Ripley about the company's plans to sell its 4th generation combat aircraft

Q: Why was Eurofighter International formed last November?

So the partner companies decided they needed a more focused effort and regional attention in the countries where the consortium had active campaigns.

Eurofighter GMbH is responsible for the core programme and is the interface with NETMA (NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency) - the core customer. We interface with all other customers. We are in charge of specific active campaigns and in other places the partner companies are responsible for front-end marketing.

We don't have an aircraft flying because our core customer still requires aircraft to do testing.

South Korea's main strategy is to privatise its aerospace industry. Acquiring a new fighter capability is connected to industrial proposals.

Singapore is a longer term prospect for us.

Last year the Greeks said they wanted Eurofighter Typhoon. We hope to secure a final decision on terms and conditions for the procurement very soon.

We expect Norway to have a major decision at the beginning of April. They are trying to harmonise fighter and frigate requirements.

An important area is going to be the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark - the old NATO F-16 customers.

We now starting to put together an active campaign for the Netherlands. They will fly the aircraft in March.

Source: Flight Daily News