Mikhail Pogosyan, general director of Sukhoi, talks to Tim Ripley about the prospects of the Russian aircraft industry and his famous corporation

Q Which aircraft is your priority at the moment?

A Sukhoi is mostly working on development and manufacture of combat aircraft, of which the best known are the Su-27, Su-33 fighters, Su-30MK multirole fighter, Su-24 front bomber and Su-25 strike aircraft. These aircraft build the basis of our exports. We realise the need for diversification of our products into the sphere of the civil aviation. We created an affiliated structure called Sukhoi Civil Aircraft that conducts active marketing research and I hope that in the near future Sukhoi will offer not only the proven Su-26, Su-29 and Su-31 sports aircraft but also the An-38 local airliner and the S-80 multirole aircraft. Besides, we are developing a family of aircraft for regional airlines.

Q What is your best selling product at the moment?

A Recently, the biggest demand in the international market for combat aircraft has been for the Su-30MK multifunctional fighters. We delivered aircraft of this type to India and China. Licensed production of the aircraft will also be undertaken in these countries. The Su-35 is participating in the Republic of Korea FX contest. Sukhoi also attaches much importance to upgrade of its older aircraft.

Q What is your company's current position in the Russian market?

A Presently, Sukhoi is in fact the leader of the Russian aviation industry. It shares more than half of the national export of weapons and military applications. Combat aircraft of "Su" type make out around 60% of the Russian air forces frontline fleet.

Q What is your company's current position in the world market?

A With Teal Group's analysis, the total tactical aviation world market could be around $130 billion for the period 1998-2008. "Su" type aircraft share 13.7% of it. We realise that further advancement of our products in the market is related to the upgrade of the basic Su-27 fighter to provide a further increase of its capabilities in precision air-to-surface and air-to-ship weapons as well as navigation accuracy. In the long-term, our corporation development provides for the entry into the market with a new generation aircraft. Presently, we continue work on the S-37 "Berkut" experimental aircraft. We already have some interesting results.

Q What place does Sukhoi have in the recent plans of the Russian government for reorganisation of the country's airspace industry?

A A rather important role is attached to Sukhoi. During the government's recent meeting, a decision was taken to establish two large holding companies in the Russian aviation industry to develop and manufacture aircraft and helicopters. Our corporation forms the basis of one of them.

Q How do you see development of the international combat aircraft market?

A We expect that around 2,000 fighters will be manufactured by 2005, divided as follows: 22% will be F-16s; 17% will be F/A-18s, 16% will be Su-27s and modifications, 15-30% will be JAS 39 Grippens. Nevertheless later, fifth generation aircraft currently being developed in the USA and Europe will critically influence this market. In the Russian aviation industry there is a process involving the major designers and manufacturers that include Sukhoi. Their main task is development of a new aircraft.

Q What are you going to demonstrate at Le Bourget?

A No doubt, the Su-30MK multirole fighter will take the central place. It is fully equipped with systems and avionics manufactured in Russia but also provides usage of foreign components on customers' request.

Source: Flight Daily News