Hutchinson Aerospace’s Stop-Choc division is here promoting its anti-vibration mounts.

These simple parts play a vital important role in today’s aircraft as they protect sensitive electronic equipment when used in tough environments at the limits of their design envelope.

Rather than strengthening the equipment, which nearly always leads to an increase in weight, anti-vibration mounts can isolate shocks and allow the equipment to operate correctly.

Stop-Choc has two types of mounts: passive mounts that absorb and dissipate the shockwaves; and anactive isolation system that “looks out for dynamic frequencies, and is then actively controlled to cancel that out” , says sales executive Graham Burgess.

Hutchinson anti-vibration mounts feature on ARINC standard avioncis racks, as well as FADEC mounts. “The FADEC needs this because it is in the engine,” adds Burgess. The company’s anti-vibration devices feature on Hawker’s 800XP and “most of the business jets”, says Burgess.

Source: Flight International