AgustaWestland will launch development of a new light twin helicopter, codenamed the XX9, by the end of 2008, the company announced at Farnborough yesterday.
There were few details of the product itself, but chief executive Giuseppe Orsi confirms the aircraft will be in the 4-5 tonne range and will be aimed at the commercial and government markets.

“This is an area where we are not currently represented,” says Orsi. The XX9 will fit between the Grand and the AW139 in AgustaWestland’s product range, bridging what is currently the only real gap in its commercial offer.

The manufacturer also put more flesh on its plans to expand globally. As well as a growing presence in Russia, AgustaWestland is also seeking an industrial partner in India and plans to beef up its Middle East operations, according to Orsi.

The company’s presence in China is bearing fruit through a partnership with AVIC II/Jiangxi Changhe on the AW109, which is producing first fuselages this year with final assembly to follow in 2009 or 2010.

Orsi says AgustaWestland is negotiating with partner Bell on the most efficient way to certificate the BA609 civil tiltrotor. This is likely to involve AgustaWestland taking on a higher share of development work, particularly in flight test.

The company says it is continuing to work with the UK Ministry of Defence on the Future Lynx programme, which has been the subject of speculation in recent months. Managing director, business, Graham Cole says: “We have no restrictions on the programme, we had a very impressive critical design review and we are on budget and on time.”

Source: Flight International