Show visitors are being invited to try their hand at flying a helicopter in some of the most challenging operating conditions possible.

On display at Goodrich's outside exhibit, Atlantic Inertial Systems' Terprom technology is being showcased using a low-cost training device derived from the gaming industry. Demonstrated by business development manager Kevan Flintoff, the system warns against the threat to aircraft safety posed by low-level obstacles.

"We're trying to show end users what our system is capable of," says marketing director Alison Fenn. With Terprom equipment already installed in around 5,000 fixed-wing aircraft worldwide, including the Eurofighter Typhoon, the company is looking at its possible adaptation for use in the helicopter and light trainer aircraft market.

An active sensor could also potentially be incorporated, which would enable rotorcraft users to receive real-time warnings about unmapped obstacles and wires.

Source: Flight Daily News