The links between the UK and the Gulf state of Bahrain were strengthened yesterday when Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, chairman of the supreme organising committee for the Bahrain International Airshow and Farnborough International signed an agreement to jointly organise the Bahrain International Airshow (BIAS) 2012, which will run from 19-21 January 2012.

The show was developed as a result of in-depth sector research, and it aims to deliver a personalised experience, access to high-level delegations, opportunities for on-the-spot customer demonstration flights and the demonstration of unmanned air vehicles from Sakhir Airbase, the air show's purpose-built home.

Sheikh Abdulla signed the agreement with Ian Godden, chairman of ADS and Farnborough International. "Aside from Bahrain's long and historic association with aviation, BIAS has continued to help forge even stronger links between Bahrain and a number of international aerospace organisations who, like so many other global businesses, see Bahrain as a natural gateway to the Gulf's trillion-dollar market." Sheikh Abdulla says.

"Bahrain's own investment in aviation is growing rapidly; from aircraft to training and maintenance to airport infrastructure, the kingdom continues to embrace the economic advantages of this rapidly growing sector and BIAS has a significant role to play in strengthening this focus".

Meanwhile, Ahmed Nemat Abdul Rahim, assistant undersecretary for aviation services of the civil aviation authority, signed an agreement with Quaynote Communications, UK to host a conference in Bahrain on the future of business jets in the Middle East in January 2011.

Source: Flight Daily News