It's been a long wait, but Sino Swearingen Aircraft (SSAC) finally rolled out the first SJ30-2 light business jet last week before a crowd of jubilant distributors who between them have placed orders for 165 aircraft.

The first conforming prototype SJ30-2 rolled out at SSAC's San Antonio, Texas, plant on 17 July, almost two years behind schedule. The aircraft is expected to fly in September. The company is still struggling with delays in fuselage and wing fabrication by Gamesa in Spain, but believes it can certificate the SJ30-2 a year after first flight.

"We finally see the light at the end of the tunnel," says Chester Schickling, vice president marketing and sales. "We just hope it's not a freight train this time." SSAC has had more than its share of delays, but its Taiwanese investors have stayed as faithful as the customers. "Their commitment is as strong as ever, says Schickling. There was some nervousness when a new Taiwanese government was voted into power amid much sabre-rattling by China, "but we made it through the election as well", he says. The SJ30-2 will be the first aircraft in its class to be certificated in the USA under the commuter category, which allows a maximum take-off weight of 5.990kg (13,200lb). This higher weight allows the aircraft to achieve its full 4,600km (2,500nm) range - remarkable for a light jet.

SSAC is talking to the European certification authorities about commuter category.

Source: Flight Daily News