A US Air Force Gulfstream C-37A (GV) became the first aircraft to enter service with the enhanced vision system (EVS) low-visibility flying aid on 24 May.

Gulfstream expects to retrofit more than 50 GVs, while the first two EVS-equipped GV-SPs will be assembled by the end of year, marking the start of the EVS as a factory-installed standard option. Gulfstream has also begun EVS installation work on the GIV-SP, says senior vice-president programmes Pres Henne. "We are due to start flying that this summer and certify by the end of the year," says Henne, adding that the option will be offered in early 2003.

The baseline EVS system on the GV/GV-SP was certificated in October 2001. At night or in low visibility it allows Gulfstream pilots to fly a visual approach down to a 100ft (30m) decision height. EVS comprises a Kollsman infrared camera which projects an image of the outside world on to the aircraft's Honeywell head-up display.

Gulfstream is considering a simpler and cheaper version of the EVS for the G200, says Henne.

Source: Flight International