All articles by Flight International – Page 19

  • B-2

    OPINION: Contractors must recognise new US procurement rules


    ​There is a new era in military aircraft procurement with new rules and customs, which contractors will ignore only at grave peril.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Why $8bn gamble should pay off for Rockwell Collins


    ​Rockwell Collins’s planned “transformational” acquisition of aircraft cabin equipment manufacturer B/E Aerospace is an indication that size matters when competing for supplier contracts in an increasingly cut-throat market.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Why America still needs business aviation


    ​As the industry prepares to gather for the annual ­National Business Aviation Association convention in Orlando, the US economy is seven years into a post-2008 upswing – but facing the uncertainty of a presidential election in which there is a chance that the most maverick and unpredictable candidate of modern ...

  • MH370 Debris

    OPINION: Should the search for missing MH370 be extended?


    ​The shock disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in March 2014 is one of the most keenly ­debated and puzzling aviation mysteries of our time.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: How the World has changed with Airbus


    ​Forty-two years ago, as Airbus was handing over its first A300 to Air France, much of Asia was a mess. War raged in Cambodia and Vietnam and, at the end of Chairman Mao’s calamitous rule, China’s economy lay in tatters. While Japan, Malaysia and South Korea had embarked on industrial ...

  • Qatar fleet - Boeing

    OPINION: Qatar's Boeing commitment sends clear message


    ​As the Qatar Airways spotlight swings pendulum-like around its supply chain, OEMs can breathe a sigh of relief when it is not their turn to be in the laser focus of its notoriously demanding chief Akbar Al Baker.

  • MiG-21

    PICTURES: How North Korean air power starred in Wonsan


    North Korea's inaugural Wonsan Air Festival, staged in the coastal city from 24-25 September, was billed as a non-political event "organised to promote the spirit of international peace and friendship through aviation and air sports".

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Why Europe's independent airframers matter


    Sixteen years after its creation as EADS, and as it goes through yet another revamp to make it stronger and more integrated, Airbus dominates European aerospace – alongside BAE Systems, Dassault and Leonardo, the other three giants this side of the ­Atlantic still making aircraft in the 21st century.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Will Airbus rebrand end divisions?


    Airbus’s latest corporate iteration appears to mark something of an endgame in its battle against a ­perennial pandering to compromise during its evolution from consortium to company.

  • Interview

    INTERVIEW: Former RAF pilot makes mark in Red Bull Air Race


    ​After a Royal Air Force career as a Harrier pilot and Red Arrows team leader, Ben Murphy is now competing in the Red Bull Air Race’s Challenger Cup.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: MRJ has certification hurdles ahead


    ​For a while it almost felt like the Mitsubishi Regional Jet would never make it to the USA. It is not often that a flight-test prototype aborts its mission twice in two days, but that was just what happened when Mitsubishi Aircraft attempted to ferry its first flight-test article to ...

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Russian response to MH17 treats public like idiots


    ​You can only imagine investigators’ exasperation at Russia’s schoolyard-level protesting at the probe into the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: US pilot shortage is fixable, but it will cost


    ​US airlines think they have a problem. Assuming air travel demand remains steady, the number of fare-paying passengers could soon vastly outnumber the supply of pilots required to carry them.

  • Rafale India - Dassault

    India signs 36-unit Rafale contract


    India has concluded a deal to acquire 36 Dassault Rafale fighters, with a contract signed in New Delhi by the nation’s defence minister, Manohar Parrikar, and his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian on 23 September.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Aerospace investment could help South Africa fly


    The dilemma is not unique, but for a country that teeters maddeningly between advanced economy and developing world, South Africa’s is particularly poignant. Under apartheid, an isolated and threatened white regime poured resources into training engineers and developing its own military technologies.

  • Boeing T-X - Boeing

    OPINION: T-X trainer bidders ready for dogfight


    With the unveiling on 13 September in St Louis of the Boeing/Saab trainer, the four-way competition to claim the $10 billion contract to replace the US Air Force’s Northrop T-38C Talon fleet is now set.

  • Emirates 777 crash - Reuters

    OPINION: Why go-arounds may need simplifying post-EK521


    Go-arounds are considered an unexceptional part of day-to-day airline operations, to the point where tabloids treating them as newsworthy dramas can expect to attract a measure of scorn.

  • Peter Collins archive

    OBITUARY: Peter Collins, Flight International test pilot


    For more than a decade, Flight International readers were treated to in-depth flight-test reports written by Peter Collins, who has died at the age of 62.

  • 747 Ship One - Boeing

    OPINION: What aircraft designers should learn from Joe Sutter


    ​In a 2009 interview with FlightGlobal, the late former Boeing 747 chief engineer, Joe Sutter, cautioned about reliance on computer-assisted design tools in aircraft development. “There should not be an over-emphasis on what computers tell you, because they only tell you what you tell them to tell you,” he said.

  • Trent 1000 787

    OPINION: How East can steer Rolls-Royce through 787 engine trouble


    ​A year into the job, Rolls-Royce boss Warren East’s to-do list shows no signs of shrinking. The engine maker had already braced shareholders for a torrid 2016, due to cyclical pressures and worse-than-expected market conditions, when it emerged that All Nippon Airways is to replace 100 Boeing 787 Trent 1000s ...